Tuesday, August 30, 2011

hope for the wayward

“We, today, have a language to celebrate waywardness, but we do not have a cultural language to bring people back home.”

Makoto Fujimura

Saturday, August 27, 2011

the food that does not quit

“Poetry is spiritual nourishment.
But it does not satiate,
 it only makes man more hungry,
and that is its grandeur."

- Jacques Maritain

Sunday, August 21, 2011

when the pressure's on

"But who do you say that I am?"

 -  Jesus of Nazareth to
     his apostles  (gospel of matthew  CH. 16)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

to wit

"Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference which is an elegant name for ignorance."   

GK Chesterton

Monday, August 15, 2011

found poem

I don't think of it as stealing.

These things were planted
by a person
who was going to harvest them.

That person
no longer has the ability
to.    It's not
like the bank people
who sit in their offices
 are going to come out here
 and pick


 - kelly callahan ( atlanta)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

chivalry and the pursuit of love on wall street

"it's as close as you can get to an unconditional commitment from a central banker.":

--vincent reinhart

on the promise to hold interest rates on short -term loans to  near zero through 2013-
or at least half way through

Monday, August 8, 2011

cognitive corruption suggests

"We no longer dare to believe in beauty
 and we make of it a mere appearance
in order the more easily to dispose of it.

Our situation today shows that beauty
demands for itself at least as much courage
 and decision
 as do truth and goodness,
 and she will not allow herself to be separated
and banned from her two sisters
without taking them along with herself
in an act of mysterious vengeance.

We can be sure that whoever sneers at her name
 as if she were the ornament
 of a bourgeois past -- whether he admits it or not --
can no longer pray
 and soon will no longer be able to love."

-hans urs von balthasar

Monday, August 1, 2011

facundo therapy

You are not depressed... just distracted,
 distracted by this life
 that overwhelms  you.
Distracted from the life
 that surrounds you,
 dolphins, forests, seas, mountains, rivers.

- facundo cabral  + july 2011