Thursday, May 30, 2013

commencement address 2013


“We should judge teaching not
by the amount of knowledge it passes on,
 but by the enduring excitement it generates.
 Knowledge, when it comes, is a later arrival,
flaring up, when the time is right,
from the sparks good teachers have implanted
in their students’ souls.”

                            Gary Gutting


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

rhyme of the day



                               yesterday,  upon the stair
                               i met a man who wasn't there
                                he wasn't there again today
                                 i wish,  i wish he'd go away


maybe i should start something new


Friday, May 17, 2013

metaphysics is endemic

"In an age of change and uncertainty,
people ask profound questions,
about life itself, about suffering,
about death, about love and what makes life worthwhile.
 People seek assurance and light. 
They respond if they are presented with a unifying reality
which is in every way good, true and beautiful. ...
Without question there is a yearning
for unity among peoples,
 a rejection of whatever discriminates
or marginalizes others."

                                          -- Cardinal Basil Hume, A Turning to God
