Monday, August 26, 2013

how to earn the right

the difficulty with christianity is linked to
the difficulty of living out the 9th beatitude
of matthew's gospel
it places inflicted hardship or human abuse
 in the context of something
not so much to be avoided or even
something to be quickly transcended
this invitation to happiness suggests
we are in  position for a great deal of joy
when the storms of negativity advance upon us
we need not fear
rather we should lift up our hearts in praise

or so it would seem


Thursday, August 22, 2013


To be a successful businessman
                      in China
                   you need to play the game,
                    and even corrupt an official,
                       which makes you very vulnerable.

                 chen zhiwu

this of course does not happen in civilized free market societies in the west

Sunday, August 18, 2013

organic anatomic reading {sic}

“It’s lucky vaginas can’t read,
          or mine would be cringing in embarrassment.”


               - katha pollit responding to naomi wolf's book:
                               VAGINA: A NEW BIOGRAPHY

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

then there are facts

we've turned the garden of eden
into an industrial zone


           - directly stated by my neighbor
                 br.  paul jasmer osb


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

on insight and ambiguity

I remain profoundly puzzled by what I have said,
despite the fact that I think I am correct.

Stuart Kauffman
