1. By reproducing in the first place you will harm your future child’s health as you will create a being whose body is vulnerable to harms and will steadily degenerate until death. If you want to actually prevent your future child from being harmed, refrain from reproduce.
Otherwise, any actions you undertake before and after pregnancy will be meaningless as you are not a god who can prevent bad things from happening to your child.
No, you will NOT guarantee a less painful/horrifying life and dying process for your child just because of your health knowledge. That is a fact. If you want to parent, helping children who are already here is a noble and unselfish act. If you already have biological children, you can continue loving them while refraining from further reproduction.
2. Because of the high risks of pregnancy, STDs, vaginal infections, and cervical cancer, I highly recommend against penile-vaginal sex at all. Yes, most men are taught that this is the only “right sex,” but it isn’t. If your spouse takes issue with you refraining from penile-vaginal sex, HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. I repeat, HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. He should value your health over his “need” to have penile-vaginal sex. If you can, please leave that relationship. You are better off alone or in a relationship that doesn’t require penile-vaginal sex. For more information, research radical feminism.
Also, please keep in mind that in some cultures, penile-vaginal sex is only done when they want to conceive, not on a constant basis where birth control is needed. If penile-vaginal sex makes you uncomfortable sometimes, it could have something to do with you doing it too much or that you shouldn’t do it at all.
I found this on a blog in the comment stream which sought to suggest healthy alternatives to chemical contraceptives...for more information please research radical feminism