Tuesday, September 29, 2015

take a look

''What our eyes behold
                   may well be
               the text of life
  but one's meditations
                    on the text
      and the disclosures
    of these meditations
                    are no less
                           a part
           of the structure
                      of reality.''

                            Wallace Stevens


Sunday, September 27, 2015

long live the king

"there is a cult of ignorance in the United States...
nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that
 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge' "

                                          - Isaac Asimov


Thursday, September 24, 2015

o norman just relax !

Everything wrong with America led to the point  
where the country built that tower of Babel,  
which consequently had to be destroyed.
What if those perpetrators were right and we were not?  
We have long ago lost the capability to take  
a calm look at the enormity of our enemy's position.

Norman Mailer                                                                                  


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

from..... Craig - of the INtense Inane


Fiction writers
Tell lies for a living
And it means they never
Have to apologize

Politicians do too
But they have to pretend
That their lies were
True when they told them




Saturday, September 12, 2015

witness of Fr Raymond Nogar OP

I am a Roman Catholic
and I believe in the community of saints,
 both in heaven and on earth.
 I believe that the happy spirits in heaven
can and sometimes do assist by their intercessory power, 
the spirits in this vale of tears.
 I have heard that 
St. Christopher is good on the highways, 
that St. Jude is terrific with impossible cases, 
and that St. Anthony is the one you turn to
when lost articles fail to show up.

But I will tell you something. 
I do not think that St. Anthony finds things for you, 
like lost golf balls for instance. 
You know who finds lost golf balls?  
Impoverished golfers
who haven't the cash to buy new ones every day,
 and caddies on their days off, 
so that they can wash them up and sell them.
 Why do they find them,  when others don't ? 
I'll tell you why.
 Because they look and look and  look
until  they look in the right place
where the ball was all the time.

Well,  then,  where does St. Anthony come in? 
All I can see is that
somehow through an appeal of the spirit,
 like the encouragement of a gesture from a lover,  
there is motive generated,
 a motive which urges a man to look and look and look
 until he looks in the right place, 
where the ball was all the time.

Now to say that the saints are thereby unnecessary, 
that St. Anthony is just superstitious baggage
 in the business of human affairs, 
is to make the claim
that the gesture of the lover is irrelevant.

      from - "Evolution and the Cosmic Order" - 1965


Sunday, September 6, 2015

what has become of courtly love

written in 1174 AD---------

No woman is attached to her lover or bound to her husband with such pure devotion that she will not accept another lover, especially if a rich one comes along, which shows the wantonness as well as the great avarice of a woman. There isn’t a woman in this world so constant and so bound by pledges that, if a lover of pleasures comes along and with skill and persistence invites her to the joys of love, she will reject his entreaties – at any rate if he does a good deal of urging. No woman is an exception to this rule either. So you can see what we ought to think of a woman who is in fortunate circumstances and is blessed with an honourable lover or the finest of husbands, and yet lusts after some other man. But that is precisely what women do who are too much troubled with wantonness.

                                        Andreas Capellanus


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

always something to think about


   where are the eyes
in an
             autonomous vehicle

                          John Lee