Tuesday, December 20, 2016

when the saints go marching in

the rejection of self-love by Protestants
belongs to their depreciation of secondary causes.
but in this way they stop up the wellspring of joy
and all human activity.

                              hans urs von balthasar


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

in case of less than adequate perception

.....the sphere of virtue is the very core of reality.

                                          Dietrich von Hildebrand


Monday, November 28, 2016

critical theory agenda

We must organize the intellectuals and use them
Only then, after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES
can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.

                                       Willi Munzenberg

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

no answers until the questions are asked

Will there be any up or down left?
       Who’ll give us a sponge to wipe away the horizon?
              Will we need lanterns to be lit in the morning hours?
                   Will we need to invent sacred games?

                                              Frederich Nietzsche


Thursday, November 17, 2016

i say o horde listen up.....

The masses have never thirsted after truth.
They turn aside from evidence
that is not to their taste,
 preferring to deify error, if error seduce them.
Whoever can supply them with illusions
is easily their master;
whoever attempts to destroy their illusions
is always their victim.
 An individual in a crowd
is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand,
which the wind stirs up at will

                                                     Gustave le Bon



Monday, November 14, 2016

visceral narratives

Each day has a story that deserves to be told,
 because we are made of stories.
I mean, scientists say
that human beings are made of atoms,
 but a little bird told me
that we are also made of stories.

                        Eduardo Galeano


Sunday, November 13, 2016

it works every time

If you wish to keep slaves, you must have all kinds of guards. The cheapest way to have guards is to have the slaves pay taxes to finance their own guards. To fool the slaves, you tell them that they are not slaves and that they have Freedom. You tell them they need Law and Order to protect them against bad slaves. Then you tell them to elect a Government. Give them Freedom to vote and they will vote for their own guards and pay their salary. They will then believe they are Free persons. Then give them money to earn, count and spend and they will be too busy to notice the slavery they are in.

                                                      alexander  'daddy"  warbucks


Thursday, November 3, 2016

hitting at the foundations of culture

English is a simple, yet difficult language.
It's made up exclusively of foreign words
which are pronounced wrong.

                              -- Kurt Tucholsky


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

learning how to sing

Stop the words now.
Open the window in the center of your chest,
and let the spirits fly in and out.



speaking of grave demands

If we want to be missionaries of mercy—
if we want to “render the deeds of mercy”—
we need to be acutely aware of error,
and be prepared to respond to it.
 Instructing the ignorant, however uncomfortable,
is among the spiritual works of mercy to which we are all obliged.

                                                              Bishop James Conley


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

how comprehensive do we need to be

....once we render unto God what is God's
there's never much left for Ceasar

                             Hilary of Poitiers


as fate would have it

Today Americans are overcome
      not by the sense of endless possibility
              but by the banality of the social order
                    they have erected against it

                                                                                     Christopher Lasch


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

please pass the Haldol

The purpose and design of Studies in Prejudice
 dictated the conclusion

that prejudice,

a psychological disorder rooted in ‘authoritarian’ personality structure,
could be eradicated only by subjecting the American people
to what amounted to collective psychotherapy—
by treating them as inmates of an.......

...........................................insane asylum.

                                               Christopher Lasch


Sunday, October 16, 2016

faith and fecundity

But if the faith communicated by the Church to Christian humanity is a living faith,
 and if the grace of the sacraments is an effectual grace,
the resultant union of the divine and the human
cannot be limited to the special domain of religion,
but must extend to all Man's common relationships
and must regenerate and transform his social and political life

                                                                               Vladimir Soloviev


Friday, October 14, 2016

a painter's perception

George Catlin’s Creed                                                              

  • I love a people that have always made me welcome to the very best that they had.
  • I love a people who are honest without laws, who have no jails and no poorhouses.
  • I love a people who keep the commandments without ever having read or heard them preached from the pulpit.
  • I love a people who never swear or take the name of God in vain.
  • I love a people “who love their neighbors as they love themselves”
  • I love a people who worship God without a Bible, for I believe that God loves them also.
  • I love a people whose religion is all the same, and who are free from religious animosities.
  • I love a people who have never raised a hand against me, or stolen my property, when there was no law to punish either.
  • I love and don’t fear mankind where God has made and left them, for they are his children.
  • I love a people who have never fought a battle with the white man, except on their own ground.
  • I love a people who live and keep what is their own without lock and keys.
  • I love a people who do the best they can.
  • And oh how I love a people who don’t live for the love of money.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

memories of torture

Sometimes I walk,
     and I walk,
           and I forget,
 I forget everything,
          I forget prison,
           The Darkness,
But it is always there.
The Darkness comes.

                         Suleiman Abdullah Salim


Friday, October 7, 2016

to put it most succinctly

Liberal capitalism is not at all
     the Good of humanity.
 Quite the contrary;
    it is the vehicle of savage,
          destructive nihilism.

                                                   Alan Badiou


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

feminist demonstration poster

we'Re  taKing



               ....have at it girls


Monday, October 3, 2016

sometimes it's the effort that counts


gravestone marking in Logan, Utah

1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home,
       who cooks from time to time,
               cleans up and has a job.

2. It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh.

3. It's important to have a woman who you can trust
            and who doesn't lie to you.

4. It's important to have a woman who is good in bed
                      and who likes to be with you.

5. It's very, very important
       that these four women don't know each other
          or you could end up dead like me

                                            Russell J. Larsen

                              ...a cowboy's post-mortem advice


shared solitary confinement

when the countryside is far away
the city becomes a prison


                       Christopher Alexander
                         A Pattern Language


Thursday, September 29, 2016

from....amoris laetitia


....the words of Saint Robert Bellarmine,

.......the fact that one man unites with one woman
 in an indissoluble bond,
and that they remain inseparable
 despite every kind of difficulty,
even when there is no longer hope for children,
 can only be the sign of a great mystery.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

honesty in panhandling


      WHY   LIE?

I   NEED   A    BEER


  - indubitably-  observed on a street in seattle

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

l'amour serieux

Everybody says
 love is about finding
the person who is right for me
 and then everything will be fine.

But it's not like that.
 It involves work.
 An old man tells you this!

                         Alain Badiou


Thursday, September 22, 2016

thoughts after walking through downtown seattle

The louder our world today is,
the deeper
           God seems
                  to remain
                             in silence.
is the language of eternity;

 noise passes.

                      Gertrud von Le Fort


Sunday, September 11, 2016

let's hear it for scientific advances

The smallest nuclear weapons
that have been publicly acknowledged
are the size of a trashcan,
although suitcase bombs
are alleged to exist.

            ....a statement made on the blog entitled
                Lutheran Surrealism



Saturday, September 10, 2016

let chivalry not die

Though a man excels in everything,
unless he has been a lover his life is lonely,
 and he may be likened to a jewelled cup
which can contain no wine

                                 Yoshida Kenko
                                  ( 14th century Japan )


Monday, September 5, 2016

hold your horses

Christian theology
          is a hair's breadth away
                 from nihilism

                        John Milbank


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

something to ponder

“The first and only principle of sexual ethics:

 the accuser is always in the wrong.”

................Theodor Adorno -  critical theorist


Friday, August 26, 2016

freedom for the alien

History shows
 that it is not only senseless and cruel,
 but also difficult to state
who is a foreigner.

                      Claudio Magris


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

solid simile semantics

beautiful women without any religion
are like flowers with no scent

        H. Heine


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

mysterium tremens

God is not nice
God is not an uncle
God is an earthquake

                 Abraham Joshua Heschel

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

try to paint inside the lines

summer is a canvas
Subaru is your brush


Thursday, July 21, 2016

taking the temperature

               as fake as your
            girlfriend's orgasm

............... I spotted this in a photo of an anti-global warming demonstration
...............I thought to myself.....'  these people are serious  '


Sunday, July 17, 2016

sin in the flesh

The crisis of fatherhood
               we are living today
 is an element, 
           perhaps the most important,
threatening man in his humanity.
The dissolution of fatherhood
                           and motherhood
is linked to the dissolution
of our being sons and daughters.

                                                      —Joseph Ratzinger

                                                         il papa emerito


Saturday, July 16, 2016

words of the otipemisiwak

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river been poisoned,
and the last fish been caught,
will we realise
 that we cannot eat money.

Cree  proverb.



Wednesday, July 13, 2016

of intuition and truth

At the very beginning of my creative life I loved humanity.
I wanted to do something good for mankind.
Soon I understood that it isn't possible to save mankind.

                                  Wislawa Szymbroska


Saturday, July 9, 2016

three word poem

           /      \
         /          \
       /              \
     /                  \
   /                      \
 /    BLIND        \
<   PERSON    >
\     AREA          /
  \                       /
    \                   /
      \               /
        \           /
          \       /

Friday, July 8, 2016

satan by the tail

God, Satan, and the satanic in men; about myths and legends and the truths within them; about culture versus p0litics, about the difference between story and plot. It is about Milton versus Marx, the United States versus Germany, about redemptive truth versus Mephistophelian bands of illusion and the Devil’s jokes. It concerns itself with the interrelation of culture, religion, sex, and politics – in other words, something herein to offend nearly everybody.

                                                                                     Michael Walsh


Thursday, June 23, 2016

a jewish benediction


    Let the terrorist die unshriven.
Let him go to hell.
             Sooner a fly to God than he.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

just when you think you're doing good

Ironically, the environmentalists’ vision of a unified planet,
symbolized by images of Earth as seen from outer space,
only helps legitimate the quest for control
in the guise of ‘global management.’
If what is at stake is the fate of the planet,
then any intervention seems justified.
rather than diminish the appetite for
dominance of the natural world,
the environmental crisis has served
to sanction virtually any activity
which embraces the cause of planetary survival.

                                         Neil Evernden

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

who are the manichees of our day

Freudianism is a form of puritanism. The essence of puritanism is the distrust of the legitimate pleasure which is the result of gratifying the natural appetites. In the third century the Manichees attacked the pleasures of sex, of wine and meat. At the end of the tenth century Manicheism reached its logical climax in the Cathar heresy which condemned the appetite for life, praised suicide, and taught that a mother who had committed the sin of procreation might atone for her sin by murdering her child. In the sixteenth century the appetite for beauty was condemned, and the glories of mediaeval glass and sculpture were destroyed by the new Manichees.

                               Arnold Lunn   (  catholic skier  )


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

voice recognition found poem

intimations of hospitality

Hi John
 my name is brothers kill
I'm tickets pastor at a much holy cross
in Chicagoan

 just returning your call how
 you are most welcome to join us for Saturday
and up departing on Sunday

 and so we would just look for a forward to your rival
sometime Saturday afternoon

 I'm harm me always at 1:00
so if you wanted to make that just so
let me know
and I hope you have a wonderful day
 and a wonderful trip down

take care bye bye.

                 distortions of brother Ezekiel


Saturday, June 11, 2016

...start on the path of abstraction.....

Today's scientists have substituted
mathematics for experiments,
and they wander off through
equation after equation,
 and eventually build a structure
which has no relation to reality.

                                              Nikola Tesla

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

when the lesbians have control

The proportion of men must be reduced to
 and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race

                                  sally miller gearhart


Saturday, May 28, 2016

coming back around to realism

If there were no God,
          there would be no atheists.

                                                  – G. K. Chesterton



Tuesday, May 24, 2016

so now let us turn to politics

Today Americans exist as a conquered people.   They have lost the Bill of Rights, the amendments to the Constitution that protect their liberty.   Anyone, other than the One Percent and their political and legal servants, can be picked up without charges and detained indefinitely as during the Dark Ages, when government was unaccountable and no one had any rights.   Only those with power were safe. In America today anyone not politically protected can be declared “associated with terrorism” and taken out by a Hellfire missile from a drone on the basis of a list of human targets drawn up by the president’s advisers.   Due process, guaranteed by the US Constitution, no longer exists in the United States of America.  Neither does the constitutional prohibition against the government spying on citizens without just cause and a court warrant.  The First Amendment itself, whose importance was emphasized by our Founding Fathers by making it the First Amendment, is no longer protected by the corrupt Supreme Court.  The Nine who comprise the Supreme Court, like the rest of the bought-and-paid-for-government, serve only the One Percent. Truth-tellers have become “an enemy of the state.”  Whistleblowers are imprisoned despite their legal protection in US law.

                          Paul Craig Roberts   (  no slouch  )


Saturday, May 21, 2016

let us hope

we will never have to worry about
 a human mind going amok in cyberspace;
and, alas, 
we will never achieve immortality
through downloading.

......there must be some other way

We are organisms, not computers. Get over it. Let’s get on with the business of trying to understand ourselves, but without being encumbered by unnecessary intellectual baggage. The IP metaphor has had a half-century run, producing few, if any, insights along the way. The time has come to hit the DELETE key.

Richard Epstein


Saturday, May 7, 2016

mechanized decadence

It reaches the extremes of its destructive and eradicating power when it builds itself a world according to its own image and likeness: when it surrounds itself with the restlessness of a perpetual moving picture of meaningless shows, and with the literally deafening noise of impressions and sensations breathlessly rushing past the windows of the senses. Behind the flimsy pomp of its facade dwells absolute nothingness; it is a world of, at most, ephemeral creations, which often within less than a quarter hour become stale and discarded, like a newspaper or magazine swiftly scanned or merely perused; a world which, to the piercing eye of the healthy mind untouched by its contagion, appears like the amusement quarter of a big city in the hard brightness of a winter morning: desperately bare, disconsolate and ghostly. The destructiveness of this disorder which originates from, and grows upon, obsessive addiction, lies in the fact that it stifles man’s primitive power of perceiving reality; that it makes man incapable not only of coming to himself but also of reaching reality and truth.

                                          Josef Pieper


Sunday, May 1, 2016

women have sold their souls to the devil

Under the guise of equality and equalization of the sexes,
 the goal is being pursued to masculinize
          the entire civilization,
 which even now is marked 
by male technological rationality.
By further putting the sexual sphere
 at the disposal of every technological manipulation,
 the person-centered height and depth
         of sexual differentiation
                       is lost.

               Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

we have only one mother


"It must always be clear, when the expression 'sister churches' is used in this proper sense, that the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Universal Church is not sister but 'mother' of all the particular Churches." ..... "one cannot properly say that the Catholic Church is the sister of a particular church or group of churches. This is not merely a question of terminology, but above all of respecting a basic truth of the Catholic faith: that of the unicity of the Church of Jesus Christ. In fact, there is but a single Church, and therefore the plural term churches can refer only to particular churches."

                                                                 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger


Saturday, April 2, 2016

had donald trump delivered the gettysburg address.........

It was a long time ago – I don’t think anyone can even remember, but I can remember, I have a great memory, I’ve got the best memory ever. These guys, they made the most special thing, really, really special. Where everyone was free and everything was great, just the way I’ve made America, I really, really mean that.

Now we’ve got these people – I don’t like these people, let me tell you, they’re really awful, they said, “Hey Trump, you’ve got small hands,” and so I went after them, I really did, I sued them, and what did they do? They decided they wanted a fight and I said, “Okay, we’ll see who’s still here in a few years,” and see, we’re still here, on this battlefield. It’s a yuge battlefield, and it’s really, really, great, it’s so special. See, we’ve built this cemetery, so how big it is? It’s so special. And these guys – we’ve got the best guys – they tell me, “Hey Donald, give us someone who can lead us and we’ll beat these rebels,” and so I made things happen – it’s what I do – and boom, look, we’ve got this big, big win. These guys died winning, and I’m sure that makes their families just so, so happy, all this winning. It’s really great that we can be here to make this place special because of all the winning they did.

But really, we can’t make this place any more special than they did by winning so hard, unless it’s to build a brand new Trump Towers – Gettysburg – that’s right ladies and gentlemen, that’s right, right here, right where you’re standing, we’re going to build this yuge tower, and oh my goodness, it will be so special, so big. You’ll just get sick from how big it is. You say to yourself, “Hey, I wonder if anyone will remember this place.” And now you don’t have to wonder anymore because you’ll be able to see it from miles and miles away, that’s how yuge it will be. We’ll make those rebels remember this place where they lost, where they became losers. I really hate losers. I hate them so much that we’re going to keep on winning, just to show them how much of losers they really are, that’s what we’re going to do. What these guys did – and they’re just the best, so special – well, we’re going to make sure that what they won for is going to be kept alive forever. Know what I’m going to do? I’m going to build a wall, a yuge wall, really, really yuge, all along the Mason-Dixon Line, and know what? I’m gonna make Jeff Davis pay for it, I really am. That guy’s such a loser, it’s why I hate him so much, and I think it’s what the guys that won here would really want. I’m just going to keep this great country really great, and yuge, just like me. We’re going to keep winning until we’re so tired of winning that you’ll have to thank me for making everything so great. My government is going to be around for a while, so get used to that winning.

Oh hey, look, we’ve got someone yelling about issues over there. What’s that? Slavery? Throw that guy outta here, get him out, this is about winning, and he’s a loser.



Thursday, March 31, 2016

sign above a restaurant restroom door







.....................found poetry is endless

Saturday, March 26, 2016

ah at last a mystic utterance

You know of the how,
 but I know of the how-less.

                       Rabia al Basri

                         she that loved only god


Friday, March 25, 2016

on a bumper in montana



Thursday, March 17, 2016

good to be reminded

Jesus calls us to live prayer, charity and penance with coherence and authenticity, overcoming hypocrisy.  In this season we pray that the entire Church would walk together on the Lenten path, receiving the ashes and keeping our gaze   ' fixed on the Crucified.'  He, loving us from the cross , invites us to be reconciled with God and to return to him, in order to return to ourselves.

......................Francis I

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

more important lenten considerations

Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers
 by deterministic means is, of course,
living in a state of sin.

               John von Neumann


Monday, March 7, 2016

something to consider

"It's become like America,
a land of opportunity - for kidnappers."

                             mohanned el mahjoub

                        -speaking of post qaddaffi libya

Sunday, February 21, 2016

time to put your trust in god alone

For starters,
there’s literally
 not enough cash
in the entire financial system
to pay out more than a fraction
of all bank deposits.

.................this is an important statement
.................please take note
.................Mammon is hurting

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

semi ( - ) truth


I            CAN'T          SEE           YOU!

                  ...some very moving found poetry
                  ...it all boils down to reflection, doesn't it?


Monday, February 15, 2016

in the new hierarchy of knowledge

Interior decorating is a rock-hard science compared to psychology practiced by amateurs.

                                       Antonin Scalia


Sunday, February 14, 2016

old bed fellows

Terror and civilization are inseparable

                                   Theodor Adorno

Thursday, February 11, 2016

everybody do the chirp

Dr. Weiss said
 you could reproduce the chirp
by running your fingernails
across the keys
of a piano
from the low end
 to middle C.

                   ....finally the black holes are singing to us


Monday, February 8, 2016

looking ahead to feb. 14

Since Valentine's Day is the celebration of romantic love, it was inevitable that feminists would eventually seek to subvert the holiday with one of their own. The replacement of the Valentine's Day heart with the V-Day vagina says it all. Marital love has been rejected. Romantic love, too. And because humanity is both male and female, V-Day's "sex" without men is also fundamentally dehumanizing—and heartless.

                                           Robin Phillips

                                      O BRAVE NEW WORLD

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

a nez perce plea to deaf ears

We ask to be recognized as men.
 Let me be a free man…free to travel… free to stop…
free to work…free to choose my own teachers…
free to follow the religion of my Fathers…
free to think and talk and act for myself

                             Heinmot Tooyalakekt


Monday, January 18, 2016

eBay message today

it's all here
and it's all yours

otherwise referred to as  the beckoning

Saturday, January 16, 2016

the doctrine of christian atheism

   ( this appears to be the actual title )

  • religion is about ones own internal experience, and that is all
  • There is no world other than the material world around us.
  • There are no beings other than the living organisms on this planet or elsewhere in the universe.
  • There is no objective being or thing called God that exists separately from the person believing in him.
  • There is no ‘ultimate reality’ outside human minds either.
  • We give our own lives meaning and purpose; there is nothing outside us that does it for us.
  • God is a projection of the human mind.
  • “God” is the way human beings put ‘spiritual’ ideals into a poetic form that they are able to use and work with.
  • “God” is simply a word that stands for our highest ideals.
  • God-talk is a language tool that enables us to talk about our highest ideals and create meaning in our lives.
  • Religious stories and texts are ways in which human beings set down and work out spiritual, ethical, and fundamental meanings in life.
  • Our religious talk is really about us and our inner selves, and the community and culture we live in.
  • Religious language enables us to do something unique.
  • Religious talk uses the familiar language of things that exist outside ourselves to make it easier for us to handle complex and subtle ideas.
  • Faith therefore isn’t belief in a God that exists outside minds.
  • Faith is what human beings do when they pursue ‘spiritual’ ideals.
  • Saying that someone follows a particular faith is a way of talking about their attitudes to life and to other people.

  • Worship and prayer
    If there’s no God out there, it might seem pointless to go to church, or to pray. Christian Atheists would disagree:
    • Worship is a beneficial activity. Worship in a group is good way for a community to:
    • communicate with each other
    • share ideals and ideas
    • explore the meaning and purpose of their individual lives, and the life of their community
    • Hymn-singing and prayer
    • These are powerful ways for individual human beings to explore the meaning and purpose of their lives.
    • Liturgies
    • The ceremonies and rituals of the church – are a powerful way of acting out the ideas that give meaning to our lives. They enable human beings to use action instead of words to explore their deepest ideas.
    Benefits of This Form of Belief
    • Those who who believe like this claim many advantages for it:
      • Humanity is forced to take responsibility for everything.
      • Human beings are seen as powerful and able to do things for themselves.
      • Religion no longer has to try to explain many difficult issues that go with believing in supernatural things.
      • Religion is no longer in opposition to scientific progress.
      • Religion is an inherently democratic, rather than hierarchical activity – it’s something that comes from humanity, not something forced on us by a powerful God.
        Faith is optional...how novel indeed