Thursday, August 31, 2017
a comment in response to a youtube talk with Bishop Robert Barron on the prevalence of anti-Catholicism
Thank you Father for this wonderful video. I was raised in a Protestant Church, The Evangelical and Reformed (which is no more) which was anti Catholic but not nearly anti Catholic as many other Denominations. I became Catholic when I was 27 after going to Mass with a Catholic who asked me to. There when I was not going up for the Eucharist as I was Protestant Jesus asked me 3 times, "Al, would you refuse me?" and soon after that I became Catholic. I just say that to share my Protestant background. I think the anti Catholic prejudice stems from when the Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church and the incredible hostility at that time between the 2 groups which continues. Also at about the same time the philosophy of materialism began to take precedence in the country and is confirmed by the fact that materialistic science has attained religious status in this country and all of the Western world. The rituals of the Mass are seen as nonsense as also the Spiritual world is seen as nonsense. ....Albert Nygren
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
a briefer history of time
time comes from the future
and enters into the present which has no duration
thus receding into the past which no longer exists
St. Augustine
Friday, August 4, 2017
david berlinski puts things on the line
Has anyone provided proof of God’s inexistence?
Not even close.
Has quantum cosmology
explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here?
Not even close.
Have our sciences explained
why our universe seems to be fine-tuned
to allow for the existence of life?
Not even close.
Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything
so long as it is not religious thought?
Close enough.
Has rationalism and moral thought provided us
with an understanding of what is good,
what is right, and what is moral?
Not close enough.
Has secularism in the terrible 20th century
been a force for good?
Not even close, to being close.
Is there a narrow
and oppressive orthodoxy in the sciences?
Close enough.
Does anything in the sciences or their philosophy
justify the claim that religious belief is irrational?
Not even in the ball park.
Is scientific atheism
a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt?
...Dead on.
written on a cast iron white stencilled letters
........found poem # 3,976
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