Tuesday, October 30, 2018

just in time for a new new age



Sunday, October 28, 2018

ether/or revisited

My Ethermine is
 a professional 
Ethereum Mining 
Contract Provider 
and working in this 
field since 2015.

 We are providing 
the opportunity 
to everyone
 to mine Ethereum
 with us in our
 own rigs running 24/7 
finding Ethereum
 block by block.
 Today’s world
 is changing,
 and everyone
 is adapting
 to the New Ear
 called “Cryptocurrency”
 and investing
 in it for their future.
 We provided 200
 and more mining 
 to our investors 
and doubled
 their money 
(as promised)
 in 80 weeks. 
Join us today
 by signing up
 and start
 your journey
 in Crypto world.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

a catechism poster in a catholic school

found poem #89,756

i. am. third.
God.  others.  me.
