Tuesday, December 24, 2019


                    PHENOMENA OF NATURE. 
                                     THEY'RE NOT,  
                         THEY'RE SIMPLY DESCRIPTIONS.

                                                   ludwig wittgenstein


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

astronomy and intimacy...a pop-up fantasy

Do Black Holes Have Friends?
The big one in the Milky Way might

                          ...think of the combined warmth


the wit of GKChesterton

Poets do not go mad; but chess-players do. Mathematicians go mad, and cashiers; but creative artists very seldom. I am not, as will be seen, in any sense attacking logic: I only say that this danger does lie in logic, not in imagination.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

SJW poster


   Trust me I'm a

.............. how could you possible go wrong?


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

talk about Primal Screams

In sum, 
the diminution and rupture 
        of the human family 
and the rise of identity politics
 are not only happening 
                  at the same time. 
They cannot be understood
                 apart from one another

\                                          Mary Eberstadt


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

raw comfort

Search Results

Knowledge Result


 Crest fallen sidekick in an old cafe
  Never slept with a dream before he had to go away
  There's a bell in the tower Uncle Ray bought a round
 Don't worry about the army in the cold cold ground
 Cold cold ground, cold cold ground, cold cold ground
  Now don't be a cry baby when there's wood in the shed
 There's a bird in the chimney and a stone in my bed
  When the road's washed out they pass the bottle around
     And wait in the arms of the cold cold ground
 The cold cold ground, the cold cold ground, cold cold ground
  There's a ribbon in the willow there's a tire swing rope
    And a briar patch of berries takin' over the slope
  The cat'll sleep in the mailbox and we'll never go to town
  Til we bury every dream in the cold cold ground
 In the cold cold ground, the cold cold ground
   In the cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground
   Gimme a Winchester rifle and a whole box of shells
   Blow the roof off the goat barn let it roll down the hill
   The piano is firewood, times square is a dream
    I find we'll lay down together in the cold cold ground
   In the cold cold ground, cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground
   Call the cops on the Breed loves, bring a bible and a rope
  And a whole box of rebel and a bar of soap
   Make a pile of trunk tires and burn 'em all down

    Bring a dollar with you baby in the cold cold ground
   In the cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground, 

   in the cold cold ground
    Take a weather vane rooster throw rocks at his head
   Stop talking to the neighbors til we all go dead
   Beware of my temper and the dog that I've found
  Break all the windows in the cold cold ground
   In the cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground
    In the cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground
  In the cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground
    In the cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground
    In the cold cold ground, in the cold cold ground

                                                  Tom Waits


Friday, December 6, 2019

there we were hanging off the edge of the abyss....

Bach's music is the only argument
 proving the creation of the Universe
 cannot be regarded as a complete failure.

                                                       Emil Cioran


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

the new cultural condensation...drip drip

A saying on the Pacific Rim:
Heaven is an American home, Chinese food,
and a Japanese wife.
Hell is a Chinese home,
Japanese food and an American wife.

.....something is being said here
