Thursday, April 24, 2008

a police state

the cameras are on
the ears are piqued
the radar is humming
the dogs are sniffing
the wires are hot
the cars are fine tuned
the minds are honed
to be knives in the flesh
of man's trite politics
the voices are babbling
the teachers are frightened
the bankers are worried
the silicon hounds are sad
comic book artists
are staying up way too late
gardening is the way

we know it is a police state
we can't get away from it
we thought it was democracy
but no
it looks like
tyrranical idealism
parading about in a business suit
some will say it's a good thing
as long as they don't get nabbed
others will fight it outright
as a cause of justice
i should hope
more than one folk singer
reacts with righteous indignation
and illumines the perverse character
of capitalist agendas
i'll grant you
but ultimately appealing more to greed
and avarice
than to anything noble
in the human being

F**k the police state

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