Tuesday, October 19, 2010

well? what? do? you? know?

Heidegger surf-boards along on the electronic wave
as triumphantly as Descartes rode the mechanical wave.

- Marshall McLuhan +1980

it would seem that chesterton grabbed this guy

Friday, October 15, 2010

one way to do it

"...Sometimes managing to smile requires true heroism; may your smile, whether thoughtful or joyful, always do good.”

- Elisabeth Leseur +1914 (o yeah....here's a saint indeed)

-thanks to the geologian over at an earthling wonders

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

another horseshit day in paradise

i'm on my second cup of coffee

a lonely theme stated by gordon lightfoot
some 40 years ago

the whole song is a prayer depicting a guy caught in a fierce tug of war between his love for a bottle his love for a momentary lover and the love of his family back home

but i'm in a monastery
not lost
tasks ahead of me
a tour
i get to explain the design minds of great architects
this is a good gig
and i dig it

and tonite i will organize irish tunes for the irish wake of a an irish abbot

trudging plodding looking over my shoulder on occasion
looking all around 360 degrees quite often actually
staring into space at night
you better believe it

still swimming in minnesota
i confess
cross my wretched heart and hope to die
we are still swimming in minnesota
in october

when summer finally ends and i have some time
to reflect on all that has been accomplished
in the endless summer project
i will wax wittily about it
but for now
i must go out to enjoy it

it is autumn
but the fierce force of summer
is still apparent in the dazzling sunlight
lower on the arch of it's trajectory
splashing us in the face

conquistadores por el verano perpetuo
avant ultreya

Monday, October 11, 2010

from a distance

the earth is blue [...]

how wonderful

it is amazing

- yuri gagarin - to ground control 1961