Many of the greatest things man has achieved are not the result of consciously directed thought, and still less the product of a deliberately co-ordinated effort of many individuals, but of a process where the individual plays a part which he can never fully understand.
Friedrich Hayek +1992
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One of Nixon's heroes, jh. Maybe some wit and wisdom of RMN next?
great quote
how true
Hayek was an atheist, reportedly, and going against Catholic teaching (con usura.....). JP II warned against the free-market-at-any cost school.
""""Hayek rejected this kind of moderation (Adam Smith's). He argued that neither individuals nor governments can possibly know what is best for society; they cannot deliberately promote the “public interest” and should not even try to do so. The market will take care of everything once we get out of its way. Of course, such a strategy gives the market an almost absolute power. It was just this kind of reductive formula that John Paul II had in mind when he warned in Centesimus annus (1991) of “the risk of an ‘idolatry' of the market.” The pope insisted that “there are collective and qualitative needs that cannot be satisfied by market mechanisms.”""""
Hayek resides in........Malebolge-land, jh-ito.
even so J
hayek's sentiment here
is almost transcendental
in it's expression of the relationship between man
and the world around him
he evokes a sense of mystery in this quote
that is not unlike those expressed by
st bonaventure and charles de foucault
and romano guardini says as much
when he calls man the animal who is aware of his own mystery (JP 2 developed this theme in the ACTING PERSON)
the pope was right
about social considerations which are largely ignored in the various theories of modern capitalism
in classical economics there is always room for the vast concerns of charity
that's why in america we treat charity as a problem and not a social fact i guess now we've competely deleted the concept of charity from our conversation as a country
it's on late night money beggin commercials and that's about it
ah well
decadence putrifies in it's own filth
still the christians sing
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