Thursday, May 19, 2011

like a lyre players' bad habits

"True poetry ought to be secret and clandestine, concealed like a prohibited voice of dissent, while at the same time it should speak to everyone."

-Claudio Magris

on my way to read the book BLINDLY


J said...
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J said...

Ah'm not entirely sure what "true poetry" izz, but fairly sure what it iddn't: Kirby Olson's loud, uninformed generalizations, jingoistic rhetoric and quasi-moralistic WASP belches. ~(poetry).

The shade of Ezra Pound wd agree, if he could escape from purgatorio for a while

jh said...

the nightshade of ezra pound
who doesn't have enough
to pay attention

J said...

EP at least opposed WASP-masonic boneheadism in all its forms, jh including the royal Windsor-capitalist form....Pound spent time in the cathedrals of Northern Italy--knew his latin/ital/span fairly well, n'est ce pas?. Penned some entertaining lines. Probably even attended brunch at LA Misa's with one of his ladies a few times.

jh said...

ezra did know the insidious power of masonic balderdash
it's still very present
the wasp answer to rome
is troublesome
i suppose that's why he found more comfort
in italy as a place to drift away
be lifted with angels and saints
rather than putrify with
the perpetrators of demented human agendas

i guess kirberator'z probalem with pound is that it costs more than it weighs
it's too hard to read most of it
i liek taking time to read it
lord knows it's kept me out of prison
why not everyone else

he was astute enough to know that the troubadours could've come out of no other culture than a thoroughly christian one

the lute and the lyre have done more to change the world from a demonic cauldron to the possibility of bucolic contemplation as a means of cultural awareness than anything else

ah well
so little time
so much to think about



J said...
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J said...

Aeolian lyres, set on some mediterranean shore--but they're all decorated with skulls.

jh said...

skulls galore in the caverns below rome

J said...

Yes, Paris too...the ossuaries. The nazis had a bunker down there in WWII.

Im for cremation, actually. Mandatory. comrades acrosss the earth should dig up all the bones--burn them. Save a few skulls maybe

jh said...

maybe it's time to explore revamping the NASA program for outer space cemeteries you know shoot a million or so cremains as they now call them out into the vaporous distance far every month or so

somethng practical instead of all this romanticised highpowered hightech inquiry in space use it to save on real estate

you could have a mars cemetery with sateellite feed music piped in dylan on mars and a few sleezy bars of redemption

or maybe big freefloating nets that hold all the bodies and bones and things together while floating in space each one with it's own name it's own requiems

space station starbucks cafe' s i can see it now

halogram bards in the corner

