Wednesday, January 18, 2012

just thinking

if we acknowledge that some people will travel
at 600 mph for a period of time
each day
does that make us more susceptible
to moving fast in general?

what would happen if everyone all of a sudden
had to move no faster than 3 mph
walking pace?

would life change?


stu said...

According to Google Maps, I live 22 miles from where I work. Would it change my life if all of a sudden, I lived seven hours from where I work? You bet.

jh said...

everyone should live closer to where they work
or get paid extra if they have to walk a long distance
and have it be recognized as important work/time
taking long long walks
more of that

is anyone listening
everyone should go for very very very long walks
more often

oh well

i tried


stu said...

In my own defense... I almost always take the train to work, which involves a 7/10ths of a mile walk from home to the Homewood train station, a 25 minute train ride, and another 7/10ths of a mile walk from the Hyde Park station to my office. In the evening, I reverse this.

So, my daily commute involves about 3 miles of walking, which isn't long, long, but it's not nothing, either. Especially during a Chicago January.

And the train ride is usually productive time—a chance to read, to think about the day ahead, or the day that just passed.