Thursday, April 25, 2013

another haiku


                                 Forgiveness a gift
                                 It is a gift to myself
                                 When I forgive you.


                                                        Rachel Marco-Havens

                    (daughter of    Richie Havens      +   4/24/2013)

                                              freedom indeed!


Friday, April 19, 2013

more cosmos haiku

                                          great blue heron
                                           flapping across a white landscape
                                            my eyes did see


Monday, April 15, 2013

cosmic lessons

 you do not have a guitar in order to sing songs

      songs make you play the guitar so they can be heard

Friday, April 12, 2013

other echoes

         It's remarkable.
               You can't turn a corner in the Capitol this week
                    without meeting a family of a gun violence victim.
                                        It's hard to say no to these families.

                                                                  -Connecticut senator
