Saturday, June 22, 2019

to paraphrase teresa of avila

life is like
a bad night
in a bad hotel....

(or maybe a busy night in an albergue)


Thursday, June 13, 2019

the best of all possible worlds discovered

found poem  #7,789



Wednesday, June 12, 2019

turns out you have to pay for free speech

one thing is for sure:
life at university new brunswick just
got a lot quieter-
and that's how the petty tyrants like it

                                     janice fiamengo    ricardo     duchesne




God never caused the virtues and singular merit of Joseph
 to shine with greater splendor 
than when He said to him by the mouth of the angel, 
“Take the Child and His mother”;
 for in them He committed to him 
His most precious treasures,
 giving him thus the preference 
over all the blessed spirits of Heaven;
 and Joseph received these two sacred persons
 into his care, to be their protector, 
their guardian, and defender. 
If, then, Heaven made Joseph 
the protector of Jesus and Mary, 
we may rest assured that he was at the same time
 made protector and patron of all men.
                                            — Edward Healy Thompson
