Saturday, May 28, 2016

coming back around to realism

If there were no God,
          there would be no atheists.

                                                  – G. K. Chesterton



Tuesday, May 24, 2016

so now let us turn to politics

Today Americans exist as a conquered people.   They have lost the Bill of Rights, the amendments to the Constitution that protect their liberty.   Anyone, other than the One Percent and their political and legal servants, can be picked up without charges and detained indefinitely as during the Dark Ages, when government was unaccountable and no one had any rights.   Only those with power were safe. In America today anyone not politically protected can be declared “associated with terrorism” and taken out by a Hellfire missile from a drone on the basis of a list of human targets drawn up by the president’s advisers.   Due process, guaranteed by the US Constitution, no longer exists in the United States of America.  Neither does the constitutional prohibition against the government spying on citizens without just cause and a court warrant.  The First Amendment itself, whose importance was emphasized by our Founding Fathers by making it the First Amendment, is no longer protected by the corrupt Supreme Court.  The Nine who comprise the Supreme Court, like the rest of the bought-and-paid-for-government, serve only the One Percent. Truth-tellers have become “an enemy of the state.”  Whistleblowers are imprisoned despite their legal protection in US law.

                          Paul Craig Roberts   (  no slouch  )


Saturday, May 21, 2016

let us hope

we will never have to worry about
 a human mind going amok in cyberspace;
and, alas, 
we will never achieve immortality
through downloading.

......there must be some other way

We are organisms, not computers. Get over it. Let’s get on with the business of trying to understand ourselves, but without being encumbered by unnecessary intellectual baggage. The IP metaphor has had a half-century run, producing few, if any, insights along the way. The time has come to hit the DELETE key.

Richard Epstein


Saturday, May 7, 2016

mechanized decadence

It reaches the extremes of its destructive and eradicating power when it builds itself a world according to its own image and likeness: when it surrounds itself with the restlessness of a perpetual moving picture of meaningless shows, and with the literally deafening noise of impressions and sensations breathlessly rushing past the windows of the senses. Behind the flimsy pomp of its facade dwells absolute nothingness; it is a world of, at most, ephemeral creations, which often within less than a quarter hour become stale and discarded, like a newspaper or magazine swiftly scanned or merely perused; a world which, to the piercing eye of the healthy mind untouched by its contagion, appears like the amusement quarter of a big city in the hard brightness of a winter morning: desperately bare, disconsolate and ghostly. The destructiveness of this disorder which originates from, and grows upon, obsessive addiction, lies in the fact that it stifles man’s primitive power of perceiving reality; that it makes man incapable not only of coming to himself but also of reaching reality and truth.

                                          Josef Pieper


Sunday, May 1, 2016

women have sold their souls to the devil

Under the guise of equality and equalization of the sexes,
 the goal is being pursued to masculinize
          the entire civilization,
 which even now is marked 
by male technological rationality.
By further putting the sexual sphere
 at the disposal of every technological manipulation,
 the person-centered height and depth
         of sexual differentiation
                       is lost.

               Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar