Wednesday, March 25, 2020

a recent vigano' perspective

The ecclesial events of these hours
have manifested clearly —
 if there was still any need —
the tragic subjection of the Church
to a State that is striving
 and doing all it can to destroy
the Christian identity of our Italy,
 by enslaving it to an ideological,
immoral, globalist, Malthusian,
abortionist, migrant agenda
 that is the enemy of man
               and of the family.


Monday, March 23, 2020

he said and wrote pensees

Blaise Pascal said,

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

march 2 clarification

Well temperament means a mathematical-acoustic and musical-practical organization of the tone system within the twelve steps of an octave, with the goal of impeccable performance in all tonalities, based on the natural-harmonic tone system [i.e., extended just intonation], while striving to keep the diatonic intervals as pure as possible. This temperament acts, while tied to given pitch ratios, as a thriftily tempered smoothing and extension of the meantone, as unequally beating half tones and as equally beating [i.e., equal] temperament.


Friday, March 13, 2020

i'd like to have listened-in while they stood in line to peter's scrutiny

    alduous huxely
       c.s. lewis     and
            john f. kennedy

died on the same afternoon nov.   22 1963


faulty thinking faulty conclusions cognitive labyrinth with no hope

Congratulations Dr Jones, with respect, you reveal the ideological attack very well, however Logos and Trinity are mutually exclusive. Trinity can not be explained, so it cannot be defended. It is a fraud and, unsurprisingly, the fraud permeates Western civilization.
Rome through the Church continues to subjugate mankind using every trick in the book.
The Common law has morphed into a Fraudulent mercantile legal system; employing the Justinian Deception in language.
Finance contains the fraud of usury and use of credit/debit bookkeeping currency as money.
The Vatican is responsible for the fraud of corporatization of trade and governments around the world.
Who is this Christ the christians worship? the logical conclusion must be Satan. Islam has intellectual superiority and demands serious consideration if you are truthful.

…..thinking is still free



Friday, March 6, 2020

a little something from highlander13

Boomers were hit hard with:
1- birth control
2- free love (free fornication)
3- marijuana, cocaine, heroin, valium, lithium, prozac
4- abortion
5- holocaust indoctrination
6- atheism indoctrination
7- break down of Christian culture
None of these cultural trends improved humanity.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

one man had his finger on the 2002

Given the program of assimilation which the Church has embarked on, it is not surprising that sexual scandals proliferate. They proliferate because the Church has said yes for too long to the culture of control through appetite. They proliferate because anyone who raises the standard of sexual morality gets punished. They proliferate because the fire department is run by arsonists, and the people who should know better are too stupid or too dulled by their own appetites, or too intimidated by those who are to stand up against them.

                                                     e Michael jones

Monday, March 2, 2020

copy for the book

"Unterricht, Wie durch Anweiß und Hülffe 
des Monochordi ein Clavier wohl zu temperiren
             und zu stimmen sei, 
damit man nach heutiger Manier alle modos fictos
             in einer erträglichen 
und angenehmen harmoni vernehme".

well-tempered reasoning apparent
