Tuesday, November 27, 2018

logic in flight

This is why some people are afraid of birds.
Radio wire is often used to build bird nests. 
 what station do they listen to?

...........found on a web site


Saturday, November 24, 2018

wow Denise MacAllister

At the root of abortion hysteria
is women’s unhinged desire for irresponsible sex.
Sex is their god. Abortion is their sacrament.
It’s abhorrent---- as women have flung themselves
from the heights of being the world’s civilizing force
to the muck and mire of dehumanizing depravity.

..........i keep hoping women will come to their senses


Friday, November 23, 2018

terms of battle

Essentially a soldier, the Christian is always on the lookout. He has sharper ears and hears an undertone that others miss; his eyes see things in a particularly candid light, and he senses something to which others are insensible, the streaming of a vital current through all things. He is never submerged in life, but keeps his head and shoulders clear of it and his eyes free to look upward. Consequently he has a deeper sense of responsibility than others. When this awareness and watchfulness disappear, Christian life loses its edge; it becomes dull and ponderous.

                                                         — Fr. Romano Guardini


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

wrestling things into perspective

one day you'r number one
the next you'r just a guy
on the side of the road
eating a cheese burger.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

another by shestov

...of weening practices in russia

So long as the child was fed on its mother's milk, everything seemed to it smooth and easy. But when it had to give up milk and take to vodka, - and this is the inevitable law of human development - the childish suckling dreams receded into the realm of the irretrievable past.


from the halls of despair

Furthermore, as long as the world shall last, 
there will always be people who, 
either for the sake of peace or from an unquiet conscience, 
will build up sublime lies for their neighbours. 
And these people have always been
 and will always be
 the masters of human thought.

                    Lev Shestov
