Wednesday, July 9, 2014

the death of a blog

a certain lethargy
an ennui has set in in regards to blogging
all the initial excitement about
communicaton via the blog world has subsided
now i look over the effort of a few years
and see a theme of intellectual idleness

this particular blog has been a bit parasitic
i've yanked texts from hither thither and yon
and strung them together for no great purpose

nothing in the world would change
if this were to end
the effort was completely superfluous
to everything else in the world....except for the rare human exchange that
did in fact occur

time to think of other possibilities

the light and lively breeze of original thought
settles into a cognitive doldrum

ah well
nothing is changed once more



stu said...

Sometimes, it’s enough to just be a witness.

jh said...

hey stu my man

keepin it real

....and the livin' is eezy


sally said...

i'm not going to hold a funeral dirge just yet

i've not known you to remain quiet for too long

i look forward to hearing about the other possibilities that you discover

the doldrums eventually give way to the fresh breeze

and just think
for centuries to come
the robots will incessantly
be trying to hack into this blog
continually evolving so as to be able to
to crack the ever changing codes
meant to keep them out