Saturday, June 30, 2018

woven in sinew and thought through time

Christ is the head of the corpus mysticum,
which includes all men
from the beginning of the world to its end.
  He is not the president of a special-interest club.

                                                       Eric Voegelin



sally said...


presuming of course
that "men" means "human beings"
well and maybe trees and fish and birds too
can we think of them
as part of the corpus mysticum?

jh said...

will there be osprey in heaven

always a good question

as to "men"
what can I say
up until the late 20th century
it was understood as a collective term
as well as specific gender term
the darn feminists and gender theorists
and discontented social justice warriors questioned all that
I'm so damn fed up with all that secularist social adjustment crap

how good and how pleasant it is
when brothers live in unity ...psalm 133

they took this perfectly good psalm in our psalter here
that literally translates the word
- achim - brothers .... and forces the broader interpretation colored by contemporary insanity to 'people'

but I keep thinking to myself
you know the girls would have a vested interested in knowing
that their brothers are living in peace and unity
so why this contortion of distorted meaning just
so the girls
don't feel left out...HUH!?

give me a break


jh said...

I'm trying to find out more about eric voegelin

seems like nobody around here even knows who he is

he was an extremely prolific social catholic philosopher 20th century

....can't seem to call you in Kansas

sigh sniffle sigh

