Saturday, July 6, 2019

antiphon of the proud boys

i am a proud western chauvinist
who refuses to apologize for
creating western civilization



stu said...

I am a proud human being,
who refuse to apologize for
any branch of humanity.

One Lord,
one faith,
one baptism.

jh said...

one holy catholic apostolic?
don't let it stick in your craw

i appreciate the audacity of gavin McInnes

Howz you been pal?

is there life after LS?

i sorta miss the rhetorical heights and lows

trump's a chump
i do declare

en garde



stu said...

> one holy catholic apostolic?
> don't let it stick in your craw

Why would it? Lutherans confess the Niceno-Constantinopolitan creed like you guys, and we call it the Nicene Creed, even though it's not, just like you guys. We even say "catholic," albeit, "lowercase c," just like you do above ;-).

> i appreciate the audacity of gavin McInnes

I don't. He's a fascist. Fascism is not reconcilable with Christianity. He should have the decency to crawl back under the rock he's been hiding under since the Soviets put the Führerbunker out of business.

> Howz you been pal?

Pretty good. You?

> is there life after LS?

Yes, and more time to live it ;-). Of course, I'm now a college-side divisional dean (formally styled as "the Master of the Physical Sciences Collegiate Division," so I need it. Kirby does chat me up from time to time.

> i sorta miss the rhetorical heights and lows

Admittedly, me too.

> trump's a chump
> re-electable
> i do declare

Of course he is, "good Americans" in 2019 occurring in roughly the same population as "good Germans" in theirs, circa 1934. The difference is that we know the ultimate cost of fascism.

stu said...

A further thought. As the saying goes, history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

Gavin McInnis may think he's doing Heinrich Himmler, but he's really doing Ernst Röhm.

jh said...

i think we need to drop the fascist talk
it's a concept that has been woefully distorted
you'd have to make a case for mussolinni character traits
in McInnis to make a case
it's like kirby calling you communist
a judgement made out of dread and fear and woeful misunderstanding of both communism and you
he's got the whole democratic party lumped in as communists
now i tend to agree that marxist trickle down does occur
and like the dribbling penises of old men often it goes undetected
but a few social equity antiphons does not a communist make
on the other hand
McInnis is a comedian
that's all he is
he's a straight talkin real guy from scotish parents
just wants the social element of real male life and behaviour to have a chance
amid the hyper estrogenated vagina madness
of do or die sexist crap talk by people who know nothing let alone psychology
ernst rohm
who the hell is ernst rohm for godzzache

the democratic party is proving me correct with every new outburst of racegenderclass atrocity catastrophe disbelief correct for having the insight that no one no one nobody else has had the cajones to state point blank upfront cash on the table you heard it here ladies and gentleman and i state it once more in characteristic boldness

women need to be governed again
perhaps by their own government i don't know
i think perhaps women should have their own government
they've done nothing but desecrate one of the most
monumental noble achievements of western men
which was working just fine thank you very much until there was one
then two then four then eight then twenty women ranting and raving and
ovulating and menstruating and making a stand for bloody murder
and their rights and i'm saying in retrospect and now for the time being
phuq that ladies you don't get rights you have some real important responsibilities which you have
tossed under the bus with your aborted babies and until you reclaim that fundamental natural duty of your bodies yourselves without chemicals without murder
you can have no rights i don't give a phuq what the supreme court says

all i and gavin mcInnis and e michael jones and jordan petersen and a few other open eyed men with distinct social awareness are not buying into the secularist protestant jewey jewey bubblegum patooie ideals of our time we are not giving into the feminists' rot we are not giving into the gay schmay lezbo buttphuqqers we are not giving into the destruction of the institution of marriage we are not giving into the rhetoric of social freudian freak show madness we are not giving into the mind control designs of the social engineers phuq all of them and only the self respecting men are going to stand up and shout all that shit down the women are morally incapable of being as pissed off as we are going to get with all this...history repeats itself for those who do not know history

who's going to literally phuq western civilization

the anti-christ lurks in the shadows of wall street



stu said...

> i think we need to drop the fascist talk

I think it's apropos.

> you'd have to make a case for mussolinni character traits

If you're looking for a historical parallel to Mussolini, it's in Putin. Trump is more of a parallel to Hitler: driven by resentments and able to create a charismatic bond of affinity with those who have resentments of their own, even if they are quite different from his. Under Mussolini, Fascism was thuggish, but corporatist rather than xenophobic. Under Hitler, Fascism was essentially a criminal conspiracy that showed deference only to the oligarchs who were both aligned with them, and necessary for their other aims.

The US has concentration camps now, if you hadn't noticed, places that are overcrowded, hot, with too little water, and where the basic implements for maintaining hygiene (soap, toothbrushes and paste) are not provided. The result is predictable in an elevated death rate. These are nothing more or less than stochastic executions. Genocide with colorable (if not actually plausible) deniability. The victims are essentially all Catholics, which I'd also expect you to notice. Do you think you're untouchable? We've seen where nativism has gone in this country before. Remember Niemöller's poem, "First they came..."

> on the other hand
> McInnis is a comedian

Tell it to Heather Heyer.

> ernst rohm
> who the hell is ernst rohm for godzzache

Commander of the Sturmabteilung, a violent pro-Nazi paramilitary organization (most often abbreviated as the SA) who was killed during "The Night of Long Knives," a bit of thuggish Nazi fratricide. It seems to me that the Proud Boys are playing the role of the SA at this point, daring history to repeat itself.

> all i and gavin mcInnis and e michael jones and jordan petersen and a > few other open eyed men with distinct social awareness are not buying > into the secularist protestant jewey jewey bubblegum patooie ideals of > our time

Nice to see the anti-semitism out in the open. It's part of the current Fascism, but more as a part of their affinity-seeking behavior, than as a core belief. It's a way to get American neo-Nazis, who are already inured to violence, on their side. Anti-Catholicism is the latent American religious prejudice, and they're slowly laying the ground work, right in front of your eyes, for weaponizing it.

jh said...

rohm was a phag
hitler was his little pet dog
until hitler bit him in the ass

the present problem with the catholic church is her unwillingness to see that there is war a real war a war of cultures and " we" are considered the enemy our leaders and servants our leaders just amble out everyday with smiles saying o what a wonderful world while the social engineering crowd the secularist sledgehammer socialist social workers the protestants aligned with the jews who form the secularist battalion now mind you that is what it is e michael jones has hit the nail upon the head square the abortion industry the contraceptin industry the g-g-g-gggay industry ( there i finally said it ) ugh vomit pahtoooie ....latent....???....You're going to say latent? a bullet through the brain of the one catholic president we've had latent??? a whole deliberate conspiratorial movement amongst whom(?) which sought to undermine the ethical insistence of the catholic church by force feeding the whole culture with lies plugging up the legal system with faux allegations galore and displaying the church as an institution of phags pervs philanderers and corrupt bishops ( only pope francis seems to have the wherewithall to call the devil the devil).....satan is working overtime using some well chosen political henchmen to further the dark vicious cause of secularist pseudo-justice....don't get me started

if i need to be specific i'm saying ( there were not 6 million jews extinguished
in WWII ) i am saying that but for now i'm saying there's AIPAC and there's the netanyahu/mossad terrorist organization which is ingenious in forcing attention on their paranoia their mad jewish paranoia and this pretentious notion that they have the right to be protected ...what...they pull off 9/11 they draw the US into a silly war ( their war ) they get the US to pay to go to war ( not only will we let you fight our wars for us but we'll let you pay to fight the wars for us....sayth the perfidious jews...and we'll ask you for a 1O.5 million dollar per day tip thank you very much they say ...not too much
to ask i guess )

McInnis is a catholic a convert a dedicated sunday go to church catholic
he simply finds the prevalent hypocrisy that passes for social justice to
be unacceptable like everyone else should if they'd calmly remove their cranial matter from amongst the substance of their bowels

christian justice is something different from the ranting and raving of modern SJW blabber

there's no real justice without the cross
hard saying
hard rain's a gonna fall



jh said...

for a reasonable claim to catholic ethics

stu said...

> You're going to say latent? a bullet through the brain of the one catholic president we've had latent???

There are some interesting questions about the Kennedy assassination, I'll grant you that. I doubt Kennedy was assassinated because of his Catholicism, but the question of why he was assassinated is in my mind quite open.

> faux allegations galore and displaying the church as an institution of phags pervs philanderers and corrupt bishops

Evidence, and this is evidence recorded by the RCC and uncovered in discovery, is that there were and are Catholic priests who abused their office, and used it as a vehicle to pray sexually on children. If that was all that happened, I wouldn't see much culpability on the part of the church, but the evidence (the church's own records!) show that this was swept under the rug, and predators were often moved from parish to parish as way of protecting them (and the Church).

I think there's an interesting contrast here with the Boy Scouts. The BSA had a similar fundamental problem -- as an organization designed to develop young men, it inevitably attracted individuals who wanted sexual gratification from young men. The institutional reaction of the BSA was flawed, but it was better than that of the RCC. They at least maintained a database of "disqualified" individuals, and so known predators were excised, even if the pertinent authorities weren't always informed. It is this latter point that makes them legally vulnerable today.

Unlike you, I don't see this as a symptom of anti-Catholicism, although I'll certainly grant that some (Kirby, cough) do weaponize it in this way. I see it as a flawed response of an institution that is intrinsically good.

> there were not 6 million jews extinguished in WWII

Nazi records are quite clear that there were, and this is confirmed through comparisons of pre-war and post-war censuses.. You may find it ideologically advantageous to deny such well established facts, but it does you no credit.

> i am saying that but for now i'm saying there's AIPAC and there's the netanyahu

Netanyahu is another criminal. If there's anyone on the stage trying out for the role of Ferdinand Franco, it's him. And AIPAC has been an institutional voice for Netanyahu's policies in recent year. But my experience is that AIPAC has damaged itself irreparably in the process, and at this point speaks only for the tiny tranche of Trump aligned American Jews. It's different in Israel, where he's been successful in praying on the existential fears of a majority of Israeli's. To the extent that those fears have a basis in reality, Netanyahu's policies have only exacerbated them, but that's not how his supporters perceive things.

In any event, identifying Netanayahu with Judaism is a serious error.

> they pull off 9/11 they draw the US into a silly war

It's pretty clear that 9/11 was done by Saudi nationals who oppose the Saudi royal family, and favor an ideological Islamic dictatorship. Their strategic goals were to draw us into silly wars that would weaken us. To a certain extent, these silly wars have aligned with Israel's interest (at least as Netanyahu views it), and he's been happy to push us in the same direction. Iran's next, and if it does happen, Netanyahu will have had more to do with it than the Saudis, although they'll support it as well.

> there's no real justice without the cross

True. But what does that mean? Jesus didn't stone the adulterous woman, but challenged the men who were about to stone her to reflect on their own sins. I suspect that had you been there, your energies would have been devoted to finding the perfect stone ;-).

jh said...


i would've at least handed jesus a foam rubber ball

and i would've publicly spanked the woman found in adultery

...while jesus wasn't looking, of course :--))


jh said...

we might well ask of the debacle in iraq

...whose war was it....then track back a few months

...what led up to it

what was the determining event

simple logic

your rose colored glasses are dim and cracked, pal


stu said...

> we might well ask of the debacle in iraq
> ...whose war was it....then track back a few months
> ...what led up to it
> what was the determining event

In my opinion, the determining event wasn't a few months before, but almost a decade before, in the April 1993 attempted assassination of George HW Bush by the Iraqi's. Clearly this attempt was in response to the first Gulf War, which itself was a downstream consequence of a peculiar bit of diplomatic incompetence by the US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie.

As you may recall, then-President Bill Clinton responded via a cruise missile attack that destroyed the headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence Service, the entity most directly responsible for the assassination attempt. Although GHWB, to the best of my knowledge, had no complaints about this response, his sons did, considering it to be not sufficiently vigorous.

George W. Bush entered the Presidency looking for a pretext to respond vigorously against Hussein/Iraq. He found that pretext in the 9/11 attacks. Had those attacks not occurred, I believe he would have found another pretext, although it might have taken a while.

It's worth noting the long relationship between the Bushes and the Saudis -- they're all oil men, they have similar economical and technical problems. The complicity of Saudis in 9/11 wouldn't be established until later, but it was widely expected early on. Clinton had warned W about Al Qaeda during the transition, but the Bushes were still stuck in a cold-war frame (hence the hiring of Condolezza Rice), and didn't really hear that message until the towers came down. At that point, their own guilt about having been blindsided by a threat that they'd been intentionally been made aware of resulted in a predictable over-reaction by W, who was a dangerous fool, easily manipulated through his anger and pride.

While taking Hussein out advanced Israeli interests, it advanced Saudi interests more, all the more so because it drew attention away from Saudi connections with 9/11, and gave the royal Sauds the opportunity to position themselves publicly as America's allies against Iraq.

jh said...

let's give some cred to those who say
hey wait just one phuqqing minute


you follow the gospel edition of the narrative
the story that was set immediately after
in the wake of catastrophe the pre-established narrative
won out over all common sense won out over all practical scientific observation

19 jihadis with box must be kidding
it was an orchestrated planned and exquisitely carried out event
there needed to be understanding of hightech explosives
access to media manipulation
and a collective gift for media deception
hmnh...who owns the media? ... what a silly question

there needed to be serious knowledge of the engineering of controlled demolition
judy wood judy wood judy wood

christopher bollyn
while claiming little more than a working man's interest in truth
pulls together an impervious argument...try just try to shoot a hole it it

the great delusion of america is in the apparent fact that we are an israeli colony
and we think we're sovereign

we pay a price to give them money we pay a price to offer them protection we pay a price for their whining about the ill treatment o boo hoo hoo phuqqing boo hoo hoo
that wretched hollow cost ... ( read the world almanac stats of 1935 - 1950 ---remarkable )

the target of paranoia in the middle east is one little strip of land about 50 miles wide and less than 100 miles long...

you dismiss the machinations of the mossad at your own peril
it at least deserves some inquiry
what are those muthuhphuqquhs up to anyway

you accept the official narrative to your own detriment
the lie began before the event
the event was pulled off with meticulous perfection
the painting of the narrative in the aftermath benefited only one group of people

the militant islamic jihadis are rather quick to claim responsbility for their war events
nobody took responsibility for 9/11
there was a lengthy narrative that arrived within a year of the event which came from al jezeera which supposedly highlighted the dream of osama bin laden may his soul rest in peace with 70 white virgins...but most everyone who commented on the piece saw it as a fake a ruse to distract everyone from the truth

anyone who believes the 9/11 commission report is like anyone who believes beetle bailey as an access to's a report that is part of the problem...just ask mr thomas kean

don't let the jews off the hook
they've milked mid20thcentury empathy for all it's worth
now it's time to get them to stand up and tell the truth...
if they don't we are their slaves

i for one won't buckle under

phuq the jews



stu said...

Your engineering is wrong. Remember the '93 attempt to bring down the towers by a van full of high explosive. It didn't work. On the other hand, a much shorter highrise in Brazil was destroyed by fire, collapsing in much the same way the WTC towers fell, cf. Blazing skyscraper collapses in Brazil's Sao Paulo.

The structural strength of the World Trade Center came entirely from its steel skeleton, which had a fair bit of redundancy. It's hard to bring such a building down by high explosives, unless you carefully place a number of charges, each powerful enough to severe each structural element (that's the way controlled demolitions of building work).

Bin Laden was a civil engineer. He understood the vulnerability of steel structures to heat. This reduced the problem of bringing the towers down to the following: (1) start a big fire, (2) physically disrupt the insulation that protects the structural elements. Crashing an aluminum bag full of fuel (and people) into the building is an elegant, albeit entirely evil, solution to these twin problems. The impact of the jet caused tremendous physical damage, including disrupting the insulation of the steel support beams. The resulting fires ignited building contents (including lots of flammables). Once those beams hit 600 degrees, they bent, and the building failed.

> hmnh...who owns the media? ... what a silly question

Rupert Murdoch's heirs, as near as I can tell.

jh said...

yeah yeah yeah whatever
you watch footage of the collapse
of both tall towers and No.7 mind you
they appear to fall with little or no resistance
now lightweight engineering might account for that
but if you watch footage of the actually building process from the 60s
you get a sense of just how stalwart they were

there is no clear image of a plane hitting the first tower
there's a huge amount of confusion around the eyewitness reports
for the second explosion

watch slow motion footage of the collapse
it is not difficult to discern explosions from high to low
all the way down preceding the bulk of smoke and dust
lots of dust all kinds of dust dust dust dust
just dust everywhere for blocks around for days over a foot of dust one mile away

the foundation walls holding back the water from hudson river
were not damaged

direct hits by planes travelling at 400 mph would be nearly impossible
the planes even travelling at 200 mph would have splattered and shattered on the outside
no phuqqing way they could pass through the steel girder clads on the walls without smashing to pieces
they were made to look like they went through like a hot knife on butter
the planes are aluminum alloy

what's the crush factor aluminium to steel

the debris at ground zero was surprisingly sparse even reporters on the ground within a day were making comments of surprise two very tall buildings and almost no debris lots and lots and lots of dust

false flag false narrative 1993 that was a jewish hollywood act put on for the sake of the narrative...the narrative...who owns the culture narrative

i repeat
it was an act of genius
the conception
the pulling it off
the fashioning of world politics in the wake
the lie we're still all being forced to believe

while muslims display some genuine courage and character in the waging of their war
they've displayed nothing of the wicked intelligence that must have been in place
in order to sequence the events and have american forces sitting around drooling
with their thumbs literally up their asses

and then the shaping of foreign policy in the aftermath
the rhetoric of terror whether you like it or not
is the invention of israeli megalomaniacs

do me a favor
check out judy wood dr judy wood
hers is a very sober scientific stoic approach
and she makes good sense
she seems to have done some important homework

the toronto 9/11 commission presents some very fair and even minded
observations from more than one point of view

it's real safe to think the muslims did it
we know we can control them

it's really quite frightening to think the israelis did it
and we're paying them 10.5 million dollars a day
it's ingenious really once you think about it
lots of shekels


Stephen Baraban said...

Hey Mr. "phuq the Jews" do you meditate on the beauty of phuqing adolf Hitler's prose in your daily devotions? How sad, I thought you were a fairly charming character back in the days of Silliman's blog/early Luthy Surr. You either hid a lot of what you are or have changed very much for the worse. For Christ's sake look out where you're going, phuqface

jh said...

touched a sensitive spot in someone
can't take a stand against modern israel
without some gasping and groaning
let's try to talk about "phuq the jews"
without talking about hitler
i'd like to depise them on my own terms

please don't take the lord's name in vain

tra la la



stu said...

Identifying Israel with "the Jews" is not intellectually defensible. It is possible to loathe Netanyahu for being a warmonger without ascribing his moral failures to the Jewish religion or people. Heavens knows that I loathe Trump, who is a stain on the soul of everyone who backs him, without somehow thinking the Christian religion that he falsely claims is responsibility for his corruption, philandering, or treason.

Who is this Baraban character, anyway? Evidently someone of your circle of acquaintance.

jh said...

when i read post wwII pieces on russia
i do not suffer from the delusion that all russians were communists
when i say the "jews' i'm talking about the socio-political entity
not the little babushka in jerusalem on her way to market
i'm talkin politics
when i write anything here i'm talkin politics

i defend the church tooth and nail
do i think all catholics think alike

identifying israel with the 'jews' is what the balfour declaration was all about
you can argue the innocence of those who eventually moved to israel
but the language of the document points to a political group
ok let's focus on the leaders of that political group
do you want to do that
isn't it easier in a political discussion just to lump people into a convenient box
so we all know what we're talking about
are there nice sweet intelligent jewish people?
yes i will admit it there are
do i wish to become more succinct and say i'm talking about secularist atheist jews
well maybe
i like the political term "jews"
it feeds into the argument i want to have

i'm setting my argument firmly in the context of a cultural war

i like trump
he doesn't get flustered

fake news
he'll be remembered for ever for that alone

....baraban...probably some hypersensitive semite pal of kirby...who knows

en garde



stu said...

> identifying israel with the 'jews' is what the balfour declaration was all about

Indeed, but in as much as (a) more than half of the Jewish people live outside of Israel, (b) that the state of Israel is organized as a secular state, (c) a quarter of the citizens of Israel are not Jewish, and (d) in which the Knesset contains Arabs, including Sunni Muslim, Druze, and Christians, today's Israel is rather different from what Balfour proposed.

Moreover, polls of political beliefs show a very large gap between Jews living in Israel, and Jews living in the United States. In Israel, most Jewish voters back conservative/nationalist parties like Likud, although it's a fairly closely divided country (although I suspect Jewish voters are not quite so closely divided, but it's hard to say). [Netanyahu's coalition has the bare minimum size to form a government.] In the US, Jews are overwhelmingly 4-1 liberal. In as much as the great majority of the world's Jews live either in Israel or the US, and they're almost equally split between the two, there's a substantial liberal majority among the Jews collectively. Indeed, Trump himself polls extremely well among Israeli Jews (with an approval record, per the Times of Israel, of 82%), he is generally despised by American Jews (with an approval rating of 23%). It is this reality that you deny when you lazily identify Israel with the Jews.

> isn't it easier in a political discussion just to lump people into a convenient box
> so we all know what we're talking about

Easier yes. (An admission that's dispositive in establishing my claim of laziness.) But is it valid? In this case, identifying Israel with the Jews obscures some highly pertinent facts, cf., the divergence of approval of Trump by Israeli Jews vs. US Jews. So when you make this identification, you're in fact showing that you don't know what you're talking about.

> i'm setting my argument firmly in the context of a cultural war

There is indeed a culture war going on at the moment. Unfortunately, you seem particularly ill-prepared to assess it, as you are fundamentally a single issue (pro masculine entitlement/anti-abortion) voter, and this has lead you into a politically incoherent place. One in which you're supporting an open fornicator and oath-breaker who is engaged in the genocide of Hispanic Catholics.

Show me where in scripture Jesus supported grievance and hate. And yet, he was the champion of a people who had cause far greater cause for grievance than the attenuation of privilege! But he brought tax-collectors into his inner circle. He healed the centurion's daughter.

> i like trump
> he doesn't get flustered

He's never truly been held accountable for his sins. He does not believe he will ever be held accountable for his sins. He's put himself in God's place.

But an accounting is coming. As it gets closer, it's easier and easier to see his increasingly desperate efforts at distraction for what they are. He is flustered.

> fake news
> he'll be remembered for ever for that alone

Indeed. But "fake news" isn't false news. It's news that stands against him, news that seeks to call him that accounting he believes will never come.

jh said...

when i used to go round and round with ole kirby
we'd generalize and talk about dems and repubs
to my mind trump is not a repub he's not a conservative
he's a maverick ushered to the fore to confront the inevitability of hilary
many people voted for trump not because he was trump but because he wasn't hilary
i'm not necessarily a big trump fan
i don't think i'd vote for him
but i do appreciate the show he's putting on
and in america despite your inveterate democratic minded politics
that's really all it's about the show and the business
with trump you have both...people should be happy
people have been suffering on the border long before trump
my position on the border is well documented on kirby's blog

i hesitate to attack here
i'm not doing anything personal
if people are taking it personal well that's really too phuqqing bad isn't it

the culture war i'm talking about is outlined clearly and succinctly by
e michael jones

the enemy in this war happens to be a group of people that everyone is afraid to criticize
i'm not
now is every jew guilty
probably not
but the ones who are are living in the cool shade of those calling the shots

i've asked a simple question of our engagement in the middle east
...whose wars are we fighting??...nobody wants to answer
i've asked some basic questions about news of one fairly powerful country
nothing nobody wants to talk about the news in that little country
which is ironic because their name rhymes with news
i belong to an organization which has suffered from the sick conspiratorial designs
of a group of people who saw it to their advantage to make a huge profit upon
a lingering social bigotry one that seems always ok to endorse
can i point a finger at the source
well yes i can
how odd of god to choose the jews
both kevin macdonald and e michael jones or voices of some sanity some balance

aipac can kiss my catholic ass

you stu
like most of comfortable america
have allowed the jewish wool to be pulled
over your eyes
wake up and smell the gefilltefisch...dude

i think baraban is a robot


jh said...

how dare you stu
limit my socio-political persuasions

i am a conservative
i stand opposed to the language and the impetus
of the social justice issues of our day
i despise the pretense of feminism
i believe feminism gives rise to phaggotry
i not only despise abortion i call for a total end to chemical contraception
i do not accept easy divorce
abortion for me is really the only social justice issue
i despise hollywood
the moon walk was a hoax
health care should be a discussion of charity and nothing else
i belive it should be free and not an industry
i'm fighting a one man battle against the influence of the frankfurt school
science needn't be taught after 8th grade
i call for a return to thomistic realism
the inroads in ecumenism have been a sham
all protestants are heretics..i wish they'd just be a little more honest about it
eugene mccarthy was the last democrat i might have voted for
i will vote for the removal of israels' hand on the testicles of ahmuhrikuh
let's see
what else will i vote for
o yeah
and end to title IX
and get women the phuq out of the military

the gov't should bail out all private bookstore owners
apple and microsoft should be held responsible for the
cognitive distortions in the minds of young people

i'm all for organic local farming

what else....

the right to throw smoke bombs into cars blasting their sonic crap into
the public airspace

i've decided to be against the legalization of weed
half the enjoyment is getting away with it while it's illegal
a sort of mild phuq you to authority
the way it's always been

no more phag marriage crap
i'm all against that

US gov't should only be in session every other year
on the off years state govt' should function
one year on one year off

hey that's pretty novel

stu you sound like your head is stuck up the ass of an iconoclastic academy
pull it out dude see the light
it's a little scarey but once you get used to it
you can play the game
it's a little like poker
jokers are wild

christopher bollyn...the dude did his work


stu said...

> to my mind trump is not a repub he's not a conservative

I agree he's not a conservative. But this is what the Republican party has become: so vested in political control for the purpose of advantaging the wealthy that it will bend any convention or law, and even adhere to the likes of Trump, to that end. He is their doom, and they've embraced it.

> many people voted for trump not because he was trump but because he wasn't hilary

Undoubtedly so. Yet what about Hillary was so bad? Everything the R's accused her of, they've done and more. If a political choice is between compromise and totalitarian evil, then it is my prerogative to think poorly of those who chose the later.

> people have been suffering on the border long before trump

Mostly due to the sorts of oppression that Trump is dishing out.

> now is every jew guilty
> probably not

Flying the anti-semitic flag again? The Jews I encounter in my life are very concerned right now. They've seen this political dynamic play out before.

> i've asked a simple question of our engagement in the middle east
> ...whose wars are we fighting??

Saudi Arabia's. It's long been said that politics make for strange bedfellows, and the coincidence of interest between the House of Saud and Netanyahu's government is as strange as they come. But we're really dancing to the Saudi's tune. In both cases, militant Islam is an existential threat, but the Saudi's are more vulnerable in part because so many of Islam's holiest sites are contained within its borders, and because taking the Hajj is a religious obligation for devote Muslims. For Israel, the crisis is like fighting a tiger; for the Saudi's, it's like riding it.

> aipac can kiss my catholic ass

AIPAC represents Israel, not the Jews.

> i stand opposed to the language and the impetus
> of the social justice issues of our day

And then you go on to list a number of gender-role and sexual behavior values, which rather makes my point. Well, that an a few conspiracy theories ;-).

How many women do you think Trump as fucked? How many abortions do you think he's paid for? I suspect the answer to the first question is four digits, and the answer to the second is three. We all know from the Stormy Daniels affair that he prefers unprotected sex with strangers.

Hillary, for whatever her faults may have been, didn't take the easy way out and divorce her philandering husband. As least in terms of sexual mores, she's a damn sight closer to the biblical vision of marital chastity than the open fornicator Trump. So I don't think sexual behavior is actually your issue here. Sexual control is.

Remember the story of Martha and Mary. I think this illustrates several points, but it really makes mine that I'm sure you identify with Martha in this story. She's doing the work of hospitality, she's the one that calls Mary to account for not sharing in that ministry. Mary, it would seem, has chosen the men's part: the part of learning from the great teacher, the part of enjoying the hospitality of the house. But remember, Jesus took Mary's side, and chided Martha. If you're not on Jesus's side, you might want to reconsider your position.

I'll wait to hear how you hammer the clear text of that parable into something that supports your world view. It seems a worthy challenge.

> stu you sound like your head is stuck up the ass of an iconoclastic academy
> pull it out dude see the light
> it's a little scarey but once you get used to it

Says the guy who's literally cloistered. This may not be your strongest argument.

jh said...

we are fighting the wars of the jews
we yield to their collective paranoia
the jews are the movers and shakers
they may be israelis they may be sheldon adelson
they may be seinfeld they may be a whole network
of smiling well intentioned anti-christians
who see united states as the optimum laboratory
for their social critical schemes
may be
we would not have abortion without these jews
we would not have contraception
we would not have to contend with queer phaggot politics
nor would feminism be a thing
nor would the wars in the mideast be a thing
nor would hollywood have a say
nor would dylan be thought of in terms of a literary figure
the jews i mean are mean and dedicated
the jews i mean are paranoid social schizophrenics
the jews i mean know who i mean

you minimize the influence of frankfurt school agendas in the universities and hollywood
i do not
you minimize the daily payout to israel as a fist lock on the testicles of USA
i do not
you minimize the role of mossad in orchestrating 9/11
i do not
i stand with the perception of karlheinz stockhausen
you do not
i see a sinister ingenious design
one which benefits only one group of people
you do not

i feel there are but two choices
one either perceives the role of jews in our society for what it is
and stands apart and criticizes this constantly
or one ignores it and thereby submits to the force of its design
one is either dragged along into the delusions of progress
or one stands apart and assesses the pitiful limitations of the pipedream
the advances of democratic progressivism are wrongly understood as progress
for they convey to the world a most hideous form of social decadence
and you embrace it with a smile

the anti-christ lurks in the shadows of wall street
and prances like a phaggot down rodeo drive
and you think it's a mere social justice concern

hillary has spent the last three years forging and organization revenge
she's been very very busy
i used to think it was hilarious that trump would continually bring her up
even long after the election
i'm of the impression that he knew exactly what was being drummed up behind the scenes

wall street is booming
there are jobs available everywhere

i can see this from my window in the cloister

i hate to think of you as a frankfurt school dupe
you can do better than that



jh said...

can't we just fight like old times

phuq you you silly pussies


stu said...

I think, in the end, fascists only understand violence, and it may be necessary again, as it was in the 1860's, as it was in the 1940's. What I don't understand is how someone who is so outraged by the way the Metis were treated is now allying with their oppressors.

jh said...

the oppressors of the metis were the british/canadians....


stu said...

White supremacists. People who felt that folks who had different ethnicity, religion, culture, had no rights that a white man need respect. Your allies.

jh said...

gavin macInnis married a native american woman

i understand the white male backlash of recent years
it follows the feminist and general race gender class
all the problems of the world stem
from the thought and actions of white european males

i hardly cater to white supremacist sentiments
i am however a conservative
the progressivist madness of recent years
ignores or stupidly condemns
some very positive aspects of history

for instance
i think the gubmint of USA
was established as a male organization
and it is not fit for females to be a part of it
other than to support it by being secretaries
and the occasional eye candy

i also happen to believe that the roman catholic church
was far more coherent far more appealing to the imagination
far more doctrinally explicit and far more solid both in
symbolic expression and social outreach before VC II
it may be another 5O years or so before we regain that sort of strength

but a clear line must be drawn in the sand
to separate contemporary SJW issues
from the more gospel based and genuine moral concerns
of the faith we have inherited
a woman wanting to be a priest is not a social issue
( there are not now nor will there ever be christian women priests )
a woman getting an abortion is a terrible social issue
and americans seem to accept it as par for the course

let's be real

the first alcohol tobacco and firearms laws and regulations were
established to diminish the success and what might have been
the formidable claim to riches of the metis

the queen of england might be a white supremacist
but her grandson recently married a negress

the fascist movement insisted upon strict separation between
church and state
i do not
the church has always influenced the thinking of people

the fascists movement believed in the unchangeable
status of the rich the bourgeoisie
the working class and the poor
i do not
the rich horde money belonging to the poor

my detestation of the jews has more to do
with the awareness of their insidious power
their collective guilt and their whimpering pleas of innocence on the world stage

i believe jeffrey epstein is alive and well in tel aviv

israel's mossad masterminded 9/11
it was by far the greatest performance art piece in the history of the world

it makes you want to sit back and say




stu said...

>gavin macInnis married a native american woman

Doesn't prove a thing, expect perhaps that perfection is too much to expect in the judgment of any woman.

> i understand the white male backlash of recent years
> it follows the feminist and general race gender class
> argument
> that
> all the problems of the world stem
> from the thought and actions of white european males

This willfully misconstrues the arguments of feminists and racial equality advocates. Their argument is that the problems that folks like MacInnis ascribe to their groups are fundamentally projections. And they're right. Cf., the fear that black men will rape white women is anchored in the historical fact that white male masters routinely raped their black women slaves.

White supremacists lack the maturity and humility required to forgive those they've injured. Indeed, the only think they can think of that can possibly justify the injuries they've caused is to continue those injuries into the present.

> i hardly cater to white supremacist sentiments

Your remarks above refute this claim... Own it.

> i am however a conservative
> the progressivist madness of recent years
> ignores or stupidly condemns
> some very positive aspects of history

You're moving towards more solid ground here, but aren't quite there. There is no doubt in my mind that a life of fidelity, of love, of honor, lived in a community of the same is the best possible life. The question is how do we find such a life.

Jesus's attitude toward those who were viewed as outsiders by society -- tax collectors, sinners, women of the street -- was to eat with them, to teach them, to let them wash his feet with their tears. He did not condemn them. He sought to heal society, not to separate it. Where he leads, I will follow. Do likewise.

> the queen of england might be a white supremacist

This is not a claim I've made, nor do I know what evidence you think might be cited to support it.

> but her grandson recently married a negress

Mixed race, actually. But I think a better way to look at it is that one human married another.

> the fascist movement insisted upon strict separation between
> church and state

This is false, at least in the case of German fascism. Look up "Kirchenkampf" in wiki. Read Pius XI's "Mit brennender Sorge." Read up on Nazi neo-paganism. The Nazis sought to co-opt the churches. Mussolini and Franco (especially the latter) were more inclined to respect them as a separate authority.

> the fascists movement believed in the unchangeable
> status of the rich the bourgeoisie
> the working class and the poor

This is a fair summary of Franco's position, and I'm willing to accept it as being (in part) a long overdue concession on the question of whether or not he was fascist. Mussolini and even more so Hitler used the rich, but robbed from rich and poor alike. They advocated social place only to the extent it furthered their parasitism. When chaos suited them better, they used chaos.

jh said...

it is well nigh impossible' to speak of fascism
with the same political intent which the term carried in the 1940s
you're barking up a dead tree and the branches are about to fall off
plus you're sitting there accusing me of redneck sentiments when all
i'm really doing is stating what anyone in their right mind should know which
makes most people out to be completely nuts i know but that's the way the
cookie crumbles you can't take those antifa blabber mouths seriously ranting and raving about injustices that exist only in their own demented minds
i suppose hitler saw a place for religion but was he a fascist
or a delusional nationalist with a penchant for watercolors
we throw around the fascist statement like it's the newest frisbee or something

the metis were not confronting fascism so much as an exagerrated
triumphant extension of british hegemony and ultimately the dreams and alcoholic designs of one john macdonald who hated catholics the french and native americans in that order it just so happened louis riel was all three as were most of the other metis except for the scottish variety that came down from hudson bay

i discern a certain loggerhead experience that the culture of america is imbedded in right now the head to head war between those who think christian values have a basic place of belonging in western culture and those who believe we've outgrown whatever christianity thought it might teach the world and now we're ready for something far more science perhaps

trump and his pros seem to think america was a good idea to begin with and we need to stick to the principles of that good idea those cons who detest him and scorn him and laugh at him think they have a better idea and they shout in madness and pain when they appear so sadly misunderstood their vision for a society free of gender prejudice i say phuq the feminists in public if necessary and race justice why phuq o dear the blacks have the whites downright scared man we're afraid of those muthuhphuqqers and the rich are strange indeed a sort of amorphic bunch of men mind you men with money mind you except for oprah of course and all the good she's done to help america on their way to eternal group therapy that numinous 1% the big CEOs like george soros and his ilk the money managers squeezing milk from the tits of liberty


jh said...


i don't happen to have a vision for the future
i'm just enjoying watching the slow implosion
of what might have been a good idea
had the catholics set the stage
ah well too late
all the protestants are heretics
but mainstream protestantism is gasping its last
so be it
it's about time
it has always been about time

if pope francis can negotiate his way through the surreal circus of modernism as its expressed in neurotic sexual preoccupations and come to terms with the reality of culture war he may go some way to turn the careening train around at the station instead of crashing into the parked protestant freighters of sewage

i've been reading david berlinski and stephen meyer on darwin
finally some relief

still we're stuck with the realization that a whole mess of people mostly protestant bought into the cognitive of the most demented ideas of all time was woven into the social fabric through brainwashing and we wonder why we accept abortion...once you accept darwin abortion is like a skin rash...but some cream on it and wait a week

who created the context for sexual mayhem in the USA
who formulated the idiotic nonsense of liberated women
the poster child of which is christa mcauliffe
the notions which arose out of the post protestantism secularist atheist debate
are the harbingers of nausea and utter spiritual dissolution

i guess we have calvin luther and zwingli to thank for that

the protestants can't even see a prophet when he's standing right in front of them

richard john neuhaus caught on
he knew cardinal newman was right in everything he wrote about

the rest of you bumbling idiots actually believe you have something left to do
i wonder
i really wonder

we don't need a new church we need the best of the old



stu said...

Forgive the slow response. I've wanted time to think this through.

You are, naturally enough, a passionate defender of the Catholic Church, its history, the political and doctrinal choices it has made. That's fair. But there's nothing of Jesus's Gospel in what you write. Without the gospel, the Church is nothing. It's time to get with the program.

You say, "we don't need a new church we need the best of the old." I agree. The best of the old was Jesus Christ, and his good news. The rest must either serve the best, or be dispensed with.

I'll leave it to you to explain how "Mary has chosen the better part," and overthrowing the money changers at the temple, can be interpreted as messages of grace that support a social/religious hierarchy jealous of its own rights.

jh said...

blink your eyes dude
rub them a little
take a tooth pik and clean out your ears
the gospel is so central to catholicism
it goes without saying
i mean why belabour the point
there might be six or seven gospels
were it not for 'catholic ' thinking in the 5th century
without st jerome there'd be no latin
without augustine being swept away in utter catholicism
there'd be no comrehensible theology
without thomas aquino demanding to the muslims
that the catholic faith was perfectly comprehensible
and rational to boot luther would never have had to
wraile against his own cognitive deficiencies

you prods get hung up on your own doctrinal principles
and all of them can be shot through
with the simplest of bullets

mathew mark luke and john
an inscrutable catholic quadrivium

gospel schmospel
what about the living breathing human interaction
with the gospel and the innumerable accounts
and witnesses the christian talmud if you will
the handing on of the torch of learned logos minded
theology all thAt rings of a bell and is as pertinent today
as it was in the day back in the day day the hay day

simply because you cannot detect the zeal that motivates my tirades against the worldliness of the world does not mean therefor on no uncertain terms that i in fact cannot claim a hefty dose a daily dose of gospel

the good word is the rage aspect of my rants
it's woven in there somehow
you'll have to repeat your readings i suppose

there's no gospel in what darwin wrote and he bamboozled academics for a century and a half going on two people still buy into that claptrap

christopher hitchens in one of his last vituperations against the catholic church stated that the core of jesus' message was the admonition to accept a day as a day don't do much by way of planning accept god's domain i the created world and hitch found this abominable that a man would counsel his followers to be essentially street bums an ne'erdowells with no vision no plan for tomoorow it shows he said the corrupt depths of jesus mental depravity he used those terms just think of it that ole hitch was a man of testicular fortitude if nothing else anyway jesus admired mary for her beauty and sweet quiet gentle demeanor and he even liked holding her hand and letting his nose smell the sweetness of her hair and he liked hanging out with her alone in a cool quiet room her breath his breath that sort of thing just basic catholic interaction really

as for money
i hope you know that dante that inveterate catholic poet of poets
relegated usurers and sodomites together in the ninth ring of hell
jesus wasn't opposed to money he simply thought it best if it
came from a fishes mouth and not from people
who felt they needed to make money off of money

to enhance religious truth in an expensive artistic symbolic way
is not unique to catholicism albeit the arched worship spaces of the 12th-16th century were the epitome of sensible architecture for the whole world to see
all the major religions including jewdayism seem more than willing to
accrue and spend money upon the best highest quality craft and art
pay the best artists to do the best work for their places of worship

the true riches of the catholic bank are the world's poor

i could rant theological i suppose if i need to

i'd much rather rant in stream of consciousness nonconformity

jh said...

...the gospel is logos
logos is the gospel

you need to open your mind to a bigger sense of
the wOrd

the marthas of this world will get angry
they are represented by all the women who have gone mad
using contraception or having had abortions
they did not choose the better part and now they swirl around
like catfish in a mudhole the mudhole of civilization

the conservative answer is that
catholics set down the moral parameters of
good living in the world very early on in the game
and they were not wrong
it's just that they emphasized the truth
with martyrdom
some wretched sacrificial murder became them
as it were
it meant that much to them

the only right a good catholic maintains is the right to be present before
something beautiful...
