Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a profound melody within

“I had a boyfriend who told me I’d never succeed,
never be nominated for a Grammy,
 never have a hit song,
 and that he hoped I’d fail.
I said to him,
(‘)Someday, when we’re not together,
you won’t be able to order a cup of coffee
at the fucking deli without hearing or seeing me.(')”   

-lady gaga


stu said...

I've never thought much of Lady Gaga. I've heard her music, but it's never penetrated. I don't know it. I've though of her as merely “this year's Madonna.” No more. I love the spirit of the quote. Thanks.

J said...

At first I thought MissGaga was jewish but have read she was raised..catholic--has italian-esque name. She is pretty. Recently she was in one of her...fashion get-ups and..her vagina was exposed and it was ...pierced! The press couldn't quite make out what it was pierced with. A small crucifix maybe? Not sure

jh said...

bad catholic girls everywhere
more disturbing than a hurricane

i tend to prefer girls like eliza anscombe

what is lady gagas' real name i don't even know

i mean
will she ever repent
that's the only question


stu said...


what is lady gagas' real name i don't even know

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, according to Wiki. Educated at Covenant of the Sacred Heart, Manhatten, per same. So I think J's pegged it -- a Catholic girl. I see no evidence that she's renounced religion, nor any evidence of sexual incontinence, although I haven't attempted a through search.

i mean
will she ever repent
that's the only question

What should she repent of? That's a serious question.

stu said...


Hey, do you take suggestions? There's a Jon Stewart quote up on the Daily Kos, in the context of calls for Chris Christie to enter the race for the Republican Presidential nomination: "You want to add another candidate? It's like the Republican Primary is a season of American Idol in reverse."

Well, I liked it :-)

jh said...

she's probably OK
in the back yard with a barbecue
and the family hanging around
far be it from me to judge

maybe it's the gaudy makeup that bothers me

i don't know

when it comes to entertainment
i tend to the lutheran sense
of stoic engagement

one should be able to listen to bach for an hour and feel no need to applaud...simply sit with the profundity of it all

overthetopness makes me nervous and i don't want to be around to much of it

i wouldn't want my daughters tagging into the spirit of gaga
but who can tell young girls these days what to watch

i know a young lass who has read
some astoundingly large books and betrays every sign of being a really intelligent thinking girl but she likes this gaga girl

maybe we all like to have permission to be outrageous once in awhile

but to make a carreer of it

it killed amy winehouse

maybe my sentiment should be
hey gaga be careful
it's dangerous and ugly at the bottom

who knows
maybe she's good for catholic vocations


stu said...


I think Gaga has some superficial similarities with both Winehouse and Madonna, but perhaps what is most telling is the ways that they're different.

Gaga and Madonna, or so it seems to me, have distinctive theatrical public personae, it's what they sell, but distinct private personae. For Winehouse, however, the outrageous public personae as no mask -- it was simply her outrageous private self put out there on stage. A gifted musician, but an addictive personality with an abuse/codependency need, i.e., a personal trainwreck played out in public.

As for Gaga vs. Madonna, Gaga strikes me as more self-consciously theatrical and presented as such. It's as if she's saying, "this is a mask, the real me is hidden." Madonna certainly throws herself out there, and outrageousness is definitely part of her schtick, but the sense is that her public outrageousness is a scaling up of a private outrageousness. Certainly, Madonna has crossed lines that Gaga hasn't, beginning with her choice of stage name, her book, etc. Madonna has marketed not only sexuality, but sex itself, and Madanna's stage name seems to throw the gauntlet down to the RCC, as if to gain attention by the RCC response. Whereas Gaga (at least to date, and to my knowledge) has drawn a line between the sexuality she markets, and sex itself, and I'm not aware of any attempts to confront/manipulate religion.

Of course, as I said, none of this comes from deep knowledge of Gaga's music, which thus far has not made an impression. My knowledge of her is truly superficial :-/.

J said...

You find many religious people reacting to Lady Gaga, Madonna other celebrities but..not to say mayor Bloomberg, or corporate excesses as a whole, or the supreme court, the teaparty hysteria ,etc. A pedazo de m. such as Bloomberg or Google execs should sicken us more than Gaga does (though shes fairly sickening really).

Christie--role model catholic there--fat republican, defender of the greedy and powerful,etc.

jh said...

when madonna started twirling a rosary around her breasts i had had enough - i only have a fleeting glance available to any of that girl pop stuff

i suppose they are archetypal images

the gospel of gaga appears to be
hey girls you can do anything you want don't let anyone tell you different

the gospel of madonna was and perhaps still is
hey there's nothing wrong with sex be sexual be as sexual as you want it's OK really it is see me i'm being sexual and i'm OK wattch me at night particularly then i am really OK

the gospel of amy winehouse appears to have been despair is attractive go there hang out there it might just eat you up but who cares phuqqemiftheycan'ttakeajoke

she was a rather desperate girlclown right to the end

i'm really worried about all these horrible images that get pasted all over popular culture for women especially...yet i suspect many women like the preposterouosness of it all....femininity run amok

maybe it's just that we appreciate success no matter how it looks

ah well
i can only pray


J said...

Yes..but in-your-face sexuality is part of consumer-capitalism is it not--whether gagas, or..porno.

Muslims have their solutions--a few gals going topless seems preferable to sharia,or ..baptistocracy doesn't it? .

I read the cliffsnotes to..Dante'sinferno years ago and the punishment for those guilty of sins of the flesh were fairly trivial to like..intellectual or political sins. Whores and murderers, thieves, sodomites etc were...damned more or less (who is the ancient courtesan-- Thais? ) but rings above corrupt clergy,judges, generals, politicians. Gaga's no Caiaphas -- (or Cheney, or JPMorgan, Nixon, Kissinger, Pol pot etc.)