Friday, October 14, 2011

another way of knowing

It's when we face for a moment the worst our kind can do,
and shudder to know the taint in our own selves,
that awe cracks the mind's shell
 and enters the heart.

    -denise levertov


J said...

Does DocPercy approve of dat?

Ich denke nicht.

jh said...

his novels reflect some of this

thanatos syndrome

J said...
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J said...

I have---a critique of behaviorism, atheism..zionism (at least in part)--and some kinky bits as well. WP opposed the death of the soul proclaimed by Skinner and the like..but he also opposed the newage-freud-jungian-alternatives. Dostoyevski-like really

jh said...

you seem to like talking ideas and people rather than texts

i think this little text is extremely provocative

sort of a condensation of all of dostoevsky
the great christian prophet

J said...

I recall Dr Tom More, Van Dorn and the rest quite well. You often suggest a poet(or poetess in this case) has this magic power whereby he reduces complex philosophical themes to a few lines or images.That's cool, free country, it's your site etc--but I disagree insofar that you suggest a Levertov was equal to DrPercy or Dostoyevski. They weren't merely beat poets. Bobby Dylan's not Beethoven

J said...

and....jews are not in the communion, sorry to say --- (regardless of what evangelical morons such as Kirby Olson and his little gang think). "Ecumenicalism" is wrong IMHO. I object to rabid anti-semitism and physical violence against jews--but they are not christians (and not rationalists ...for the most part). Zionist rackets are a real issue,jh--even in academia.

scuzi rant. verdad

jh said...

dylan will be remembered as long or longer than beethoven

sally said...

in my rcia class today
i learned that "the church"
includes not just the Roman Catholic church
but in a broader sense it includes
all who believe in christ
and in a still broader sense
it includes all who believe in God
(Jews, Muslims)
and in a still broader sense
it includes all who follow
the light of their conscience
and seek to do good

those in the wider church
(myself included i suppose)
may not be in full communion
with the RC church
but there is a sense in which
we must nonetheless
treat them as brothers and sisters

it seems to me that
whatever zionist racket
you have in mind
is perhaps an example
of what levertov is getting at

in those rare moments
when we are able to see
the aspects of racketeering
within ourselves
that's when we learn how
to have compassion
for someone else's racket

this is what pema chodron teaches
i think it is also what jesus teaches
(e.g., let him who is without sin
cast the first stone)

J said...

Compassion for Wall Street? The mafia? (of whatever type), Kissinger & Co? I do not think Christ himself would require that. That sounds a bit more buddhist than Christian, S. JC's message is about Justice for one--and opposed to the injustice of usury (as was Aquinas).

jh said...

the jesus i know or seek to know
seems to be saying that his mercy works in any context with anyone he can work with thugs in downtown LA teaching them how to make bread
or he can reach into the heavy and oftentimes corrupt world of international politics through a dag hammarskjold

john paul II was heavily criticized for one week meeting with yassar arafat and the next with cesar chavez and the next with henry kissinger - he made an open diplomacy with all world leaders no matter what their dispositions a standard - one that has often existed in the vatican throughout time - not always but often

JC came for humans as humans and did not limit his involvement with political position - every man and woman can hear the truth - given the chance


J said...

I agree with you and Dr. Sally in theory, or spirit shall we say. Christ's message is for all, even Kissingers.. In practice--in human history--things are a bit different. JPII however profound did not stop 9-11. Or the excesses of finance capitalism or many other social-political ills.
The Church may be a force for good but....well ...utopia's not likely to be happening soon---at times I find some churchly people (prot. or RC) a bit naive in regard to ...well, political injustice. A course in Hegel along with the usual religious writers might assist. Maybe not. In the end we're all dead anyway.

jh said...

of course we're naive
we're children

hearts absurdly wide open

J said...

Again you sound like a universalist (and ecumenical---not really accepted by RC, is it). Dr Percy certainly recognized the existence of....Evil did he not. His writing seems nearly Dantean at times(Love in the Ruins). Or O'Connor in a different sense. That's what many modern catholics seem to have awareness of the possibility of Hell. Kissinger & Co in the malebolge. :]

jh said...

something really boring about evil

seems to have an insatiable hunger for excitement and moral rectitude

other than that
a mere ploy to get people to behave

when far greater human virtues will work people choose to use the most detrimental

a nominalist preoccupation

why bother with the truth when
the simple answers work just fine
i mean you have to force the machine a little
but you can always make 'em work

to discern truth in any culture requires a certain courage

i don't know where it is in ours
maybe in the blues singers
some folkies
anthony braxton is telling the truth

al wiseman

nobody else seems to be telling the truth

charles taylor
now that guy works at telling the truth

i won't read or comment on anyone else on this blog for the next five years

charles taylor

this blog is now concerned with and only with charles taylor

for the next 5 years i am going to quote him and only him

are you ready.......

J said...
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J said...

why....that's the Left, jh. "postmodernist' isn't he ( I don't generally agree with Pomo..I .still respect Reason, for one. A thinker like Rawls still deserves respect does the US-Con). --nearly red---or is it pink.

Let's ask Doktor Taylor what he thinks of a right-wing perp such as Kirby Olson