Tuesday, November 15, 2011

try this on

the illusion of something referred to as
an economy has held people spellbound for much too long
who came up with the idea that if you stuff enough
inane information in someone's face they will
identify with it sooner or later
and live with the impression that they are part of something

the reason economics continues as a discipline
refers to the principle that humans are inclined to
bedazzlement...they love being wowed
they love spectacle they love hyped-up pretensions of the real thing

the only salvation for the american economy is a return to complete barterdom
screw the pretense of money
for the next ten years let us merely barter


J said...

a better question might be---why would "Dieu" allow the Reformation, and French Revolution?? And the subsequent rise of secular-economics, scottish philistines such as Hume, Adam Smith, ..Ben Franklin, et al . He must have really been pissed at something (or...maybe ..the manicheans were were not completely mistaken)

jh said...

manichaeans are still with us
they go by different names

is one


one could argue and many have
that the rise of revolt in culture is linked to a powerful collective selfawarness and at some level is inevitable when you get so many people thinking thinking thinking well sooner or later some balloonn is ggooiinngg to bbuurrsst

the church did itself a disservice by presuming to educate so many people...maybe we should have left more people in the dark phuqqing and exploring various states of mental discombobulation...o wait....i guess that's what's happening now


hubris is an old disease


J said...

The Manichean inference might be said to be....the reaction of the rational mind, confronted with overwhelming evidence of chaos, destruction and unmerited suffering, which then attempts to reconcile that evidence with what ...ancient holy books, theologians and Dr Panglosses claim (and often....not successful in the reconciliation). Humanist? at times. At times..anti-humanist. Then, a parish priest who hasn't yet made it to Copernicus is a humanist.


jh said...

copernicus was a parish priest
or more particularly a church canon one who functioned in the roles of curator secretary sexton security agent accountant librarian confidant lawyer and diplomat

you'd be hardpressed to find a parish priest who has not encountered the history of science
the trajectory of theology follows the path of enlightenmient insight assiduously right up to the modern dilemma - most priests know enough to highlight trends and moments in science as a means of comparing and contrasting moral points of view

now a priest who knows the fruitiness of enlightenment thinking and refuses to pay it much heed
now that is possible

when the humanists read their theology
maybe then the priests will read more science


you're incredulous J absolutely incredulous

i suppose in california that's a virtue

J said...

I don't mean to insult your faith, jh and appreciate your at least ostensible affirmation of Freedom. And as your blog goes--de gustibus non disputandum est

Ive told you Im not entirely sympathetic to Darwinist neo-atheists. But theocracy--of whatever type (incluing RC--even the gridiron catholics that tend to rule the iglesias) remains a concern. One reason I still value the 1st Amendment, US-Con, etc. And it keeps zealous priests, preachers imams, et al at bay.

jh said...

there's a kind of gentle unpretentious form of theocracy that makes all the human efforts at organization tolerable

in matters of thought on any subject i am likely to defer to the pope

is suppose that could be construed as theocracy

for he would ineveitably point me to thoughts about god

if more leaders would recognzie just how insignificant they are before god
we might have a better time of it here in this vale of tears


J said...

RC tradition may be superior to...the evangelicals and mormons (jews, muslims, pagan)--or the shallow-pate Darwinians and reductionists-- but that doesn't imply it's flawless, perfect, inviolable. The's how irrevocably f-ed the situation is, man. A reasonable person may avoid the Klan xtians and mormonics by ...hanging with catholics--but that's because...Vernunft ist Tot!-- PB Shelley's bust smashed in by baboons.

jh said...

if people would barter more there'd be less stress as long as we arbitrarily price everything it forces the currency issue but if people just trade things it's much better...even ideas
these should be currency for barter nothing else

money...it's a crime