Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ok dostoyevsky


we interrupt our charles taylor series for a brief note
from the inimitable fyodor D


J said...

Do you think Billy Bob Baptists or mormonics will (or could) take on Dostoyevsky?? I don't think so, jh--tho many of them are sort of dime-store Raskalnikovs in a sense--a murder spree, and then change yr ways, and accept Jeebus, brutthrrr. For that matter, the RC (at least southside one I know a bit about) has more than a few Rask. like gangstas in its ranks, ese.

jh said...

the fact that raskalnikovs are redeemed is rather beautiful

i think


i think i think

the icon prays itself into your soul

J said...

Perhaps. The end of C & P (ah assume you read it)is sort of intense, the Gambler's Christ IMO ...and symphonic as with most FD-speak

Tho' not RCC tradition is it (what do ya call it--cardinality. Priests could have given Der Fuhrer masses for a a week--wouldn't have sufficed.)

jh said...

the end of crime and punishment is a perfectly plausible description of penitence and a taste of forgiveness in this world

maybe it's never perfect in this world
but the effort and availability are always there

dostoevsky is the favorite of many great catholic theologians

henri de lubac dedicates whole texts to plumbing the depths of FD

as does von balthasar

by christian disposition FD was eastern orthodox
but i think he possessed the premonition that the orthodoxy of the west was somehow more practical and therefore accessible to the common man in the pew

who knows the mind of the lord
who is able to give him advice

J said...

Zossima the inspector was a great Dostoy. character as well (as with other cops in FD's writing--ie. the Grand Inquisitor).

Zossima nearly suggests the KGB...or Gestapo...J Edgar Hoover-CIA--the statist super-Snitch--(perhaps Fyodor,tho' no Rask., speaking from his outlaw experience as well). Unrelenting in his search and ...interrogation (a bit Holmes-like as well)--a machine. Nonetheless he gets his man.

jh said...

zosima has only one objective
and his fame suggests his ability
he is interested in the holiness of people's lives...this can be a perilous stance in the world

but i'm glad someone does it


J said...

Literatteur Im not but did read FD's C & P (and BK, NFTU, and most of the Idjut), and IMO Zossima was not an entirely..positive character. Dedicated, but ruthless--a sort of..modern figure as well (compared to many of the romantics--like the one "byronic" figure.. Svr--something..kov... not a great fate for him,eh). Zosima was something like a ..apparatchik IMO, nearly sci-fi-ish (tho...gestapo will do as well as Cheka...and FD was not too fond of goimans was he). In some sense a cop may be as guilty (more so?) as the perp